
Policy on Catalog and Requirements

Each student at Savannah Technical College is responsible for learning and observing all current, published policies, regulations and procedures required by the College and by the program in which he or she is enrolled. Published policies, regulations or procedures will not be waived nor will an exception be granted because a student pleads ignorance of the regulating documents or asserts that he or she was not informed of a specific requirement by a faculty advisor or by a College staff member. Each student must be especially familiar with the offerings and requirements of his/her major or program of study.

While the provisions of the appropriate catalog will normally be applied as stated, Savannah Technical College reserves the right to change any provision listed in a catalog including, but not limited to, academic requirements for graduation. Savannah Technical College will make a reasonable effort to keep students advised of any such changes and information on changes made by Savannah Technical College will be available in the Student Affairs Office. Each student must be aware that it is his/her responsibility to remain informed about current graduation requirements for his/her particular program. A candidate for graduation is normally subject to the curriculum requirements that are in effect at the time of initial enrollment. However, in consultation with his/her advisor, a student may elect to satisfy the graduation requirements specified in any of the catalogs in effect subsequent to the time of initial enrollment with the following exception: a student not enrolled for one semester is subject to the requirements in effect at the time of reentry.