
Academic Suspension Appeal

Students who are academically suspended and want to re-enter a program must petition the Academic Dean for their program of study or his/her designee. Upon meeting with the Academic Dean or his/her designee the following steps will be taken:

  1. The student will complete an academic improvement plan covering potential areas necessary to regain an overall 2.0 GPA (i.e. limited course registration, tutorial assistance, study skills assistance, reduced work hours).
  2. The Dean or his/her designee will review the aforementioned academic improvement plan and will either approve or deny the student’s request to be reinstated to the College.
  3. Should specific College support offices be referenced in the academic improvement plan, the Dean or his/her designee will follow-up to ensure that the student has complied with the agreed upon stipulations for reinstatement.
  4. If approved, a copy of the academic improvement plan will be forwarded to the Registrar to update the student’s academic standing for registration purposes.

The Academic Dean will coordinate the review of appeals and appeal decision notifications. If denied at the division level, the student has the right to a second level appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is final and may not be appealed.