
Distance Education Instruction (Online, Blended, On Campus)

Savannah Technical College participates with the Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) by offering courses over the Internet utilizing the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS).

  • Online Asynchronous (OA): Courses taught fully online asynchronously with course content, activities and interactions occurring entirely online. This delivery method does not require students to be online at specific dates/times, and students may participate in class activities and complete course assignments asynchronously. 
  • Online Synchronous (OS) Courses taught fully online synchronously with course content, activities and interactions occurring entirely online. This delivery method requires students to be online at specific dates/times during the term. Online synchronous courses may require proctored events, which must be detailed in the course catalog.
    • Students who reside outside of Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, or Liberty counties or students with documented disabilities that would preclude them from travel to campus for on-site testing should contact their instructor for proctoring information, if proctoring is required or requested by the student.
  • Blended (BL): Blended courses are distance learning courses with the majority of the course content, activities and interactions occurring online (>50% but <100% online) but may require students to come on campus for specific labs, assignments, activities, or events.
  • On Campus (CA): Courses that are taught primarily in the classroom or lab with 50 percent or less of instruction online. On campus courses may include lecture, labs, internships, clinicals and other in-person instructional modalities. On campus courses are not considered distance learning courses. 

Advisors can counsel students on which online courses are available and the number of online credits students may earn toward graduation. Available online classes are also listed in the current course schedule that is released before registration begins each semester.

Once a student registers for a distance education course, the student is required to enter the LMS and enter each course to review the syllabus and determine what needs to be done to begin participating in the course. A student registered for an online course must complete the syllabus certification exam or complete an assignment to be considered in attendance during the “No Show” period at the start of each term. Students registered in any other format of distance education course (Blended or On Campus) must attend the on-site class meeting(s) or complete the Syllabus Quiz or any assignment to be considered in attendance; logging into the online classroom is not counted during the “No Show” period for online, blended or on-campus courses. Any student who fails to meet the attendance requirement at the No Show Reporting Deadline will be dropped as No Show.

Through GVTC, students may take online courses form other colleges. To see what is being offered each semester, students should visit GVTC at:

Registration Procedures for Distance Education Instruction

Registration procedures are the same for distance education and traditional onsite courses. As with the traditional onsite student, the online student must be advised in selecting a program of study and courses, in scheduling courses and in exploring career and educational goals. However, not all classes are available via distance education. Additional information is available in the Student Affairs Office or with Academic Advisors. Students may obtain instructions to access the LMS on the Savannah Technical College Website and the Blackboard Online Resources.