
Grading System

Transcripts and Grade Reports contain two grades for each occupational and general education course. The first grade is the letter grade assigned for academic work and skill development. The second grade reflects the work ethics of the student in the course (see section on Work Ethics).

The following table represents grades which are assigned to courses at the College. No grade less than a “C” is acceptable for graduation purposes within the student’s program of study. The grading system for Savannah Technical College is as follows:

A 90 to 100%
B 80 to 89%
C 70 to 79%
D 60 to 69%
F 59% and below
I Incomplete
W Withdrawn
TR Transfer
EXE Credit by Exam
EXP Credit by Portfolio
AC Articulated Credit
AU Audit
I A grade of “I” can only be given to a student who has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the coursework but for NON-ACADEMIC reasons beyond control has not been able to complete all of the required coursework within the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to get approval from the instructor prior to the last day of the semester to be eligible for an “I” grade. It is also the student’s responsibility to complete the required coursework in which the “I” was received within the time frame defined by the instructor not to exceed mid-term of the following semester. If the “I” is not satisfactorily removed by mid-term of the following semester or designated date, regardless of the student’s status, the “I” will automatically be changed to an F.
W “W” is assigned when the student withdraws from a course prior to the 60 percent point of the course. “W” is not used in GPA calculations.
EX “EXE” is assigned and credit is given for a course when the Student Affairs Division finds that a student scores sufficiently high enough on a course exemption exam indicating a sound base knowledge equivalent to the requirements of the said course.

“EXP” is assigned and credit is given for a course when the Student Affairs Division finds that a student receives sufficient credit from a student’s Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) or portfolio, as determined by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee, which provides evidence of a sound base knowledge equivalent to the requirements of the said course. PLA is usually based on “on the job” learning, corporate training, independent study, military service, or volunteer service that is consistent with TCSG’s mission and ensures that course work and learning outcomes are at the collegiate level and comparable to STC’s academic programs.
AU A student may audit a course(s) on a space-available basis with permission of the instructor. An “audit” class carries no credit. Course requirements for audited classes are agreed upon by the student and the instructor prior to registration.

If the student has graduated from high school within 2 years of beginning a program at Savannah Technical College and has taken a specified articulated course(s), the student may be awarded articulated credit and assigned a grade of “AC”, if a prepared final exam is successfully completed.


Transfer credits are awarded to a student who has attended another regionally or nationally accredited postsecondary institution and has been awarded a passing grade for a course that is included in the student’s program of study’s curriculum and equivalent to the standards established by Savannah Technical College. The student will be awarded a grade of “TR”, “TRA”, “TRB”, or “TRC”, based on his/her academic record.

 Z  Withdrawal without penalty due to COVID-19 crisis.

Technical College. - The student will be awarded a grade of “TR”, “TRA”, “TRB”, or “TRC”, based on his/her academic record.

Transcripts and Grade Reports contain two grades for each occupational and general education course. The first grade is the letter grade assigned for academic work and skill development. The second grade reflects the work ethics of the student in the course (see section on Work Ethics).