
Office of Admissions

Admission to Savannah Technical College is a multi-step process which consists of evaluation of prior academic experience and assessment for postsecondary readiness of eligible applicants. The ability of a student to succeed in a program at Savannah Technical College is greatly determined by the math and language skills possessed by that student. Savannah Technical College is committed to assisting each student to achieve at their maximum potential. All students applying for diploma, degree, or certificate programs must be assessed prior to acceptance to a program of study at Savannah Technical College. Students will then be admitted in accordance with the academic standards applicable to that program.

In accordance with the Statement of Equal Opportunity, the Technical College System of Georgia and Savannah Technical College will not discriminate in admissions.

Savannah Technical College must verify lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted student applying for Georgia resident tuition status as required by state and federal immigration laws with the exception of dually enrolled students who are also enrolled in a secondary institution. Students are classified as out-of-state or foreign until their lawful presence verification requirements are met.

The college catalog is effective with the beginning of Fall Semester and the start of a new academic year. Students must adhere to the catalog of enrollment. If a student does not enroll at Savannah Technical College for two semesters or more, the student must satisfy the program requirements as approved by the college at the time the student re-enrolls. If program requirements change during a period in which a student is continuously enrolled (no interruption), the student has the option of satisfying the new program requirements, as amended, or completing those described in the catalog when the student first declared their major. In cases where programs are revised and a course is no longer available, an appropriate substitution may be made.

Savannah Technical College personnel will not engage in any unfair, deceptive or abusive marketing practices for the purpose of recruiting students to the College. Other than employee salaries, Savannah Technical College does not provide employees, students, or other persons with any gratuity, favor, discount, hospitality, loan, transportation, meals, or items of any monetary value to any individual or entity for the purpose of securing enrollments of any student to the college. Savannah Technical College personnel will not engage in unsolicited contacts of persons for the purpose of recruitment or enrollment, to include contacting them by phone call, text, email, social media, or by any other means.