
Transcripts and Grade Reports

Grades may be accessed by logging on to the College website at Detailed instructions on how to access grades are available to students in the Student Affairs Office.

Students may obtain copies of their academic records by logging on to the College website, completing the online official transcript request and paying the transcript fee. The student transcript contains the following information: program of study, courses of study completed with corresponding grades, credit hours earned and semesters of attendance. Official transcripts are sealed in college envelopes and are not valid if opened by the student. Savannah Technical College will not release copies of student transcripts without written permission from the student and payment of the transcript fee. Though transcripts are processed as promptly as possible, the requests should be made 72 hours before the document is required. When a student requests a transcript under the 72-hour period there will be an additional fee assessed. Official transcripts are not available for pickup from the College.