
Programs of Study Change

Students who wish to change their program of study (major) should visit the Student Affairs Office. The following steps must be completed in order to change a program of study:

  1. Student must obtain a Change of Major form from the Student Affairs Office/STC Website.
  2. The form must be completed and returned to the Student Affairs Office.
  3. The student must check with the Financial Aid Office if he/she wishes to determine whether financial aid will cover the change.
  4. The Student Affairs Office checks applicable information and completes a new acceptance form based on the new program of study (*additional placement testing may be required).
  5. If the student is changing from a technical certificate of credit to a diploma program or from a diploma to an associate degree program, the Registrar must determine the number of credit hours transferable to the new program.

Upon approval of a program change request, the student may register for classes in his/her new program of study. Major changes will only be processed for a future term and not for the current term.