
Graduation Requirements

Degrees, diplomas and technical certificates of credit are granted each semester. A formal graduation is held once a year for associate degree, diploma, and GED students who meet graduation requirements. Students earning certificates are honored twice a year during the Technical Certificate of Credit ceremony. It is the financial responsibility of the student to pay the non-refundable graduation fee to participate in the graduation ceremony. The graduation fee can be paid in the Savannah Technical College Campus Shop after receipt of a graduation application has been posted in BANNER. The student’s academic advisor will assist with the application for graduation; however, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process.

Students may be evaluated for graduation based upon the catalog in effect during the time of their continuous enrollment. Students re-admitted or re-instated will be evaluated for graduation from the catalog in effect at the time of re-admission or re-instatement, or any catalog in effect during subsequent periods of continuous enrollment.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs in concert with the Registrar will determine the appropriate catalog to be used for academic advisement and for evaluation of graduation requirements. All academic procedures other than course requirements must be satisfied according to the regulation in effect at the time of graduation.

To be eligible for graduation, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Achieve regular admission status prior to completion of their program.
  2. At least 25% of the required curriculum must be completed at Savannah Technical College.
  3. Receive a passing or satisfactory grade for all courses listed in the appropriate curriculum or accepted as a transfer credit from another college.
  4. Earn a minimum grade of 2.0 (C) or better in all courses required by the program of study for graduation.
  5. Meet any other program-specific requirements which have been approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  6. Fulfill all financial obligations to Savannah Technical College and remove any “holds” on records.
  7. Complete an application for graduation no later than mid-term of the semester immediately prior to the last anticipated semester of study. If a student fails to meet all the graduation requirements after applying for a specific graduation date, the student must reapply for graduation.
  8. Students enrolled in a diploma/degree program will be recorded as a graduate of a lower level program (diploma/TCC) when the following requirements have been met:
    1. The student completes all of the requirements for that diploma/TCC;
    2. The student requests to receive a diploma/TCC or the College chooses to award a diploma/TCC.
  9. Pay required costs of graduation incurred by student.