
STC Transient Students

An STC student who wishes to pursue coursework at another college may do so with approval of the Registrar’s Office. To obtain approval, currently enrolled students must meet the following requirements for transient permission:

  • Complete a Transient Student Request form found online at:
  • Course(s) must not be offered at Savannah Technical College, or else student must request an exception from the Vice President of Student Affairs.
  • Student(s) must be currently enrolled and in good academic standing.
  • Course(s) requested must be part of student’s current program of study.
  • Student(s) must have satisfied all pre-requisites for the requested course(s).
  • Students receiving financial aid or VA benefits must seek advice from Financial Aid Office.

Savannah Technical College students are eligible to apply for online courses through Georgia Virtual Technical College (GVTC) as a transient student. Visit for application details and schedule.

STC Course Substitutions (Internal)

Any requests for course substitution beyond those listed above should be forwarded by the Academic Dean to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval.