
Intellectual Property

The Policy Manual of the State Board for the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) contains TCSG Policy 3.2.1. Intellectual Property which states that “the Technical College System of Georgia owns the intellectual property rights in any and all works produced by or exclusively for the Technical College System of Georgia or its constituent colleges.”

TCSG Procedure 3.2.2p (II.E.1) further outlines any revenue generated by intellectual property may be distributed to TCSG and/or any college originating the creation of the property. This is applicable to all faculty, staff and students and “is a condition of employment or enrollment.” Savannah Technical College will coordinate with TCSG Office of Legal Services concerning copyrights, trademarks, or patent applications.

Savannah Technical College adheres to the TCSG State Board Policy so that any member of the faculty, staff or student body at the college understands that the TCSG owns the intellectual property rights in all work that is produced by or exclusively for the Technical College System of Georgia or its constituent colleges.