
Admissions Categories

Minimum admissions requirements shall be established for each program. Students shall be admitted to Savannah Technical College in one of the following categories: Regular; Provisional, Special, Pending, or Transient.

Regular Admit

Students who meet all requirements for admission into a selected program and are eligible to take all courses in the program curriculum are granted regular admission status.

Provisional Admit

Students who do not meet all requirements for regular admission into a selected program are granted provisional admission status. Provisionally admitted students may take learning support classes and certain specified occupational courses as long as class pre-and co-requisites are satisfied. All certificate, diploma, and associate degree program students initially admitted on a provisional basis must have met regular admission status by either completing necessary learning support classes or successfully completing the appropriate level math and English courses. Students admitted into Basic Entry-Level Workforce Certificates may progress from those certificate program to the associated diploma courses as regular admit as long as all coursework in the certificate is successfully completed.  Students admitted into Basic Entry-Level Workforce Certificates may Applicant admitted provisionally will not be granted an award of a certificate, diploma or associate degree classified as a Provisional Admitted student.

Students who have successfully completed the diploma version of a Savannah Technical College degree program and who want to continue into the associate degree will be admitted provisionally to that program of study. However, they would be in regular admit status if they have either passed the Elementary Algebra and College Level Math portion of the ACCUPLACER test or received a grade of C or better in College Algebra or Quantitative Skills and Reasoning course. We consider successful completion of ENGL 1010 or other diploma level ENGL as program ready for college level ENGL 1101, etc.


Applicants enrolled at another college who wish to enroll at Savannah Technical College on a temporary basis are classified as a transient student. Applicants must submit a Transient Agreement letter/form from their home institution verifying applicant is in good academic standing and must list the courses the student is eligible to take. A current Transient Agreement Letter/form is required for each term of enrollment. Transient students are not eligible for federal financial aid (i.e. Pell, SEOG, or Federal Work Study) through Savannah Technical College.

Special Admit

Applicants who wish to take credit coursework, but are not seeking a certificate, diploma or associate degree are granted Special Admit status. Applicants that enroll as a special admit may apply up to a maximum of 17 semester credit hours into a specific program after achieving regular admit status. The number of hours taken as a special admit student does not waive the regular admission process. Students with this status are not eligible for financial aid. Students must submit a completed application for admission and documentation of lawful presence if seeking in-state tuition rate; pay a non-refundable $25.00 application fee; and provide documentation of proof of meeting specific Savannah Technical College prerequisite requirements. A college transcript and testing may be required based on the course prerequisites. Special Admit students may enroll in classes only on a space available basis.

Pending Admit Status -High School Seniors only

Applicants who are in their final year of high school and are applying for a college term immediately after they graduate are granted Pending Admit Status. The following specifics define the parameters of this status:

a. Applicants must submit a transcript showing the applicant is on track for completing all required high school courses before the semester they wish to enroll.

• A letter from the high school confirming the pending completion is encouraged to be sent with the transcript.

b. Will be allowed to register for courses after course placement requirements have been met.

c. These applicants are not eligible for federal financial aid until a final high school transcript has been received.