
Enrollment for High School Students

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment allows qualified high school students to maximize their education and career training by taking courses that earn college and high school credit at the same time! Students may choose to enroll fully into a degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit (TCC) program, or they may choose to just take a few courses. Courses are taught on college campuses, some high school campuses, online and hybrid (a blend of online and in-person classes).

High School Graduation Option B

High School Graduation Option B (formerly known as Senate Bill 2) offers qualified students an alternate path to high school graduation. Students choose to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and a Savannah Technical College diploma or two Technical Certificates of Credit (TCCs) in a specific career pathway. High School Graduation Option B is only available for those students attending a public high school in Georgia.

Complete all required high school courses:

  • 2 English/Language Arts
  • 2 Math
  • 2 Sciences
  • 2 Social Studies
  • 1 Health/PE

*All required Milestone/EOC Exams (Some of these courses may be taken under Dual Enrollment)

After completion of these courses, students must then complete ONE of the following:


  • Any Savannah Technical College Diploma Program
  • Any Savannah Technical College Associate Degree Program
  • Complete two TCCs within the same academic areas from the following:


    • Aircraft Structural TCCs:
      • Column A
        • Aircraft Assembly Technician I (AA61)
      • Column B (Choose 1)
        • Aircraft Assembly Technician II (AR71)
        • Aircraft Composites (AT71)
    • Automotive Technology
      • Column A
        • Auto Electrical / Electronics Systems Tech (AE41)
      • Column B (Choose 1)
        • Automotive Chassis Technician Specialist (ASG1)
        • Automotive Climate Control Systems (AH21)
    • Avionics TCCs:
      • Avionics Installer (AI11)
      • Avionics Technician (AT31)
    • Cybersecurity TCCs:
      • Cybersecurity (IS81)
      • Cybersecurity Fundamentals (CW71)
  • Early Childhood Education TCCs:
    • Column A
      • Early Childhood Care and Education Basics (EC31)
    • Column B
      • Child Development Specialist (CD61)
      • CDA Preparation Certificate (CE71)
      • Infant / Toddler Care Specialist (IC31)
      • Family Child Care Specialist (FC21)
  • Precision Machining and Manufacturing
    • Column A
      • Basic Machining Operator (BMO1)
    • Column B – Choose 1
      • Mill Operator (MP11)
      • Lathe Operator (LP11)
    • Welding TCCs (select any 2):
      • Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder (FS31) 
      • Flux Cored Arc Welder (FC61)
      • Gas Metal Arc Welder (GM31)
      • Gas Tungsten Arc Welder (GTA1)
      • Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welder (OSM1)


Starting in 10th grade, students are eligible to take occupational or CTAE courses through Dual Enrollment funding. Junior and senior level (11th and 12th grade) students are eligible to take core/general education, as well as occupational courses. Dual enrollment funding will pay for a maximum of 30 semester hours. Once a student exceeds 30 semester hours, traditional HOPE Grant/Career Grant funding may be awarded. Students who are not eligible for Financial Aid to cover their Dual Enrollment courses are responsible for paying all tuition and any required fees. *Additional program-specific fees for occupational courses may be charged.


Occupational and core courses approved for the Dual Enrollment program can be found on the GA Futures website. Courses may be taught face-to-face on the college campus, at the high school campus, online, hybrid, or via distance education. Students will be allowed to take up to 15 credit hours per semester at each college they attend. Students can enroll in Savannah Technical College courses during Fall, Spring, or Summer Semesters.

Application Process

High school students wishing to enroll in the Dual Enrollment program must:

  • Meet with their high school guidance counselor to gain approval to participate in the Dual Enrollment program.
  • After gaining approval from their high school to participate in the program, Dual Enrollment students will be asked to complete a Savannah Technical College (STC) Dual Enrollment Application packet which will include all of the required forms needed to participate in the program and meet with STC’s High School Coordinator.
  • The application fee for all Dual Enrollment students is waived.
  • Take the required placement test or submit valid ACT or SAT scores or other accepted academic readiness documentation.
  • Students must meet the required test scores for the program in which they are enrolling.
  • Students must log onto the website to apply for the Dual Enrollment funding. The application for funding must be approved by the high school counselor and the approved courses added prior to the start of the semester the class is scheduled. Students will not be allowed to start class until Dual Enrollment funding is completed. The High School Coordinator of STC or designee will update the Dual Enrollment funding application in the GAFutures Surfer with the corresponding STC courses. Savannah Technical College’s Financial Aid office will apply the aid to the STC financial aid account and invoice GAFutures. Dual Enrollment students must complete the online Dual Enrollment funding application each semester they are enrolled at the college and failure to do so will result in them being billed.

Tuition, Fees, and Books

Tuition and most fees are covered by Dual Enrollment for every eligible student in the program. Books may also be loaned to the Dual Enrollment students at no charge to the students. Because students are eligible to participate in almost all STC programs, they may be responsible for course-specific fees in some program areas; however, most STC programs do not require such fees. Students should speak to the High School Coordinator to find out specifics about course related fees.

Joint Enrollment

Another enrollment option for high school students is called Joint Enrollment. Joint Enrollment provides high school students the opportunity to take courses at Savannah Technical College and receive college credit ONLY for the courses that they take at the college. Joint Enrollment students usually attend college classes in the afternoon or evening after they have attended high school an entire school day. Joint Enrollment students are allowed to take academic core and occupational program courses for any technical certificate or diploma program in which they are eligible. Eighty percent (80%) of the tuition will be paid by the HOPE Grant for Georgia residents. Hours taken through Joint Enrollment count against a student’s HOPE Grant and Scholarship credit hour caps.

Articulated Course Credit

Articulated course credit creates a “seamless” transition for high school students to bridge over to technical college programs of study while reducing duplication of work. Within 18 months of the student’s high school graduation date, the student must meet all the college admissions requirements, including submission of an official high school transcript for articulated course evaluation. Students will also have to pass a subject test or assessment to receive technical college course credit. The type of subject test and passing score is determined by STC. Credit by articulation will appear on a student’s college transcript as a grade of “AC.” It will count toward college graduation requirements, but will not be calculated into the student’s institutional GPA and may not transfer to other colleges/universities should the student decide to later transfer from Savannah Technical College.