EDU 5708 Internship for School District Leaders

A 150 hour (60 hours embedded in other courses) field-based Internship is to be completed in order to receive the Advanced Certificate. The Internship is a hands-on experience focusing on leadership that includes experiences in districts serving students at different developmental levels and with a variety of characteristics and socioeconomic backgrounds. The Internship may begin after the successful completions of 50% of the courses in Molloy School District Leader Advanced Certificate Program. A seminar experience will be part of the Internship. As per New York State, to receive a NYS SDL Internship Certificate, completion of at least 50% of a NYS Registered Graduate Program (Molloy College) must be completed. In addition, a recommendation from Molloy College to be granted. The Internship Certificate must be obtained. The New York State Certification for SDL is awarded after successfully completing the program of student and the NYS SDL Certification Examination. Molloy College awards and Advanced Certificate not New York Certification.



