EDU 5300 Foundations of Education and Technology

(formerly EDU 508; formerly Theoretical Foundations, Instructional Technologies and Teaching Practices of Regular and Special Education for Birth-Grade 2, Childhood 1-6 and Adolescence 7-12)

This course offers teacher candidates an opportunity to examine the integration of instructional technology, and its influences that impact upon regular and special education, including assistive and educational technology for improving student performance according to New York State Learning standards. A broad contextual view will be the basis for exploration into past, current and possible future educational technology processes, practices and issues through primary source literature and digital artifacts. This exploration leads to the candidate's final project: a rigorous, web-based, well documented personal philosophy of educational technology incorporating a variety of digital media artifacts. In this course candidates will initiate their web their web based student teaching portfolio for the program. Candidates are expected to make additions and revisions to this philosophy each succeeding semester.



