Academic Catalog

EN 654 Environmental Geotechnology

The objective of the course is to provide the students with exposure to the geotechnical nature of environmental problems. The topics covered include: principles of geochemistry, contaminant transport and hydrogeology; an overview of landfill liners and other disposal facilities and their design, construction, safe operation, performance monitoring, structural and physicochemical stability; an overview of the general principles governing the design, implementation and monitoring of existing remediation technologies with special emphasis on stabilization/solidification, vapor extraction, bioremediation, soil washing, pump and treat, cover systems and alternative containment systems such as slurry walls. A concurrent laboratory section introduces the student to the chemical analyses, absorption behavior, mineralogical and crystallographical identification and characterization of various waste forms as they pertain to surface chemistry considerations. The main emphasis of the course consists of providing hands-on experience with analyses involving the use of spectrometric, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope equipment.



Cross Listed Courses

CE 654


EN 520


Civil Engineering Program Environmental Engineering Program

Typically Offered Periods

Fall Semester Spring Semester