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MA - Mathematics
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MT - Materials Engineering
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OE - Ocean Engineering
PAE - Product Architecture and Engineering
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QF - Quantitative Finance
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2022-2023 Academic Catalog
> MGT - Management
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MGT - Management
MGT 103
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Thinking
MGT 197
Online Writing Tutorial
MGT 198
Writing Assessment
MGT 199
Ethics Quiz
MGT 300
Business Communications
MGT 411
Senior Design I
MGT 412
Senior Design II
MGT 451
Computational Models of Thought and Behavior
MGT 472
Assessment and Financing of Technical Business Opportunities
MGT 503
MGT 506
Economics for Managers
MGT 545
Consumer Behavior
MGT 546
Marketing Strategy
MGT 606
Economics for Managers
MGT 609
Project Management Fundamentals
MGT 610
Strategic Perspectives on Project Management
MGT 611
Project Analytics
MGT 612
Leader Development
MGT 613
Project Portfolio Management and Program Office
MGT 614
Advanced Project Management
MGT 616
Healthcare Leadership and Management
MGT 619
Leading Across Projects
MGT 620
Statistical Models
MGT 630
Global Business and Markets
MGT 635
Managerial Judgment and Decision-Making
MGT 641
Marketing Management
MGT 657
Operations Management
MGT 661
Marketing Online
MGT 663
Discovering and Exploiting Entrepreneurial Opportunities
MGT 671
Technology and Innovation Management
MGT 673
Global Innovation Management
MGT 678
Technology Commercialization Practicum
MGT 680
Organizational Behavior and Theory
MGT 689
Organizational Behavior and Design
MGT 695
Leading Creative Collaboration
MGT 696
Human-Centered Design Thinking
MGT 699
Strategic Management
MGT 700
MGT 701
MGT Co-Op Education Project
MGT 702
Practicum in Management
MGT 706
Co-Op Engagement in Management
MGT 712
Survey of Management and Organization Theories
MGT 718
Multivariate Analysis
MGT 719
Research Design
MGT 721
Qualitative Research Methods
MGT 726
Seminars: Advanced Topics in Information, Technology and Telecommunications Management
MGT 727
Qualitative Research Methods
MGT 730
Design and Analysis of Experiments
MGT 733
Applied Regression Analysis
MGT 734
Design Science Research Seminar
MGT 735
Economic Foundations of Management Research
MGT 736
Seminars: Advanced Topics in Information, Technology and Telecommunications Management
MGT 753
Theory in Management Research
MGT 769
Colloquia Series Research Seminar
MGT 786
Social Network Analysis Research Seminar
MGT 787
Statistical Learning and Analytics Research Seminar
MGT 790
Innovation Management and Technogenesis
MGT 794
Decision Analysis for Corporate Network Systems
MGT 798
Integration and Application of Technology Management
MGT 800
Special Problems in Management (MS)
MGT 801
Special Problems in Management (PhD)
MGT 802
Project Management Examination
MGT 803
Project Management Examination
MGT 804
Business of Science Credit
MGT 808
Fundamentals of Consulting
MGT 809
Industry Capstone Experience
MGT 810
Special Topics in Management
MGT 815
Professional Development
MGT 897
Writing Tutorial
MGT 898
Written Communications
MGT 899
Ethics Quiz
MGT 900
Thesis in Management (MS)
MGT 920
Business Administration Qualifying Exam-Written
MGT 930
Business Administration Qualifying Exam- Oral
MGT 960
Research in Management (PhD)