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Schaefer School of Engineering and Science
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Physics
School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE)
AAI - Applied Artificial Intelligence
ACC - Accounting
BIA - Business Intelligence and Analytics
BIO - Biology
BIOE - Bioengineering
BME - Biomedical Engineering
BT - Business and Technology
CE - Civil Engineering
CH - Chemistry
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CLK - Clark Scholars
CM - Construction Management
COMM - Professional Communications
CPE - Computer Engineering
CS - Computer Science
DE - Developmental English
DS - Data Science
ECON Economics
EE - Electrical Engineering
ELC - English Language and Communication
EM - Engineering Management
EMT - Executive Management of Technology
EN - Environmental Engineering
ENGR - Interdepartmental Engineering
ES - Enterprise Systems
FA - Financial Analytics
FE - Financial Engineering
FIN - Finance
GEN - General Elective
HAR - Humanities/Art
HHS - Humanities/History
HLI - Humanities/Literature
HMU - Humanities/Music
HONR - Honor Program
HPL - Humanities/Philosophy
HSS - Humanities/Social Sciences
HST - Humanities Science and Technology Studies
HTH - Humanities/Theater
HUM - Humanities General
IPD - Integrated Product Development
ISE - Industrial and Systems Engineering
LCH - Language Chinese
LFR - Language French
LSP - Language Spanish
MA - Mathematics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MGT - Management
MIS - Information Systems
MT - Materials Engineering
NANO - Nanotechnology
NE - Naval Engineering
NIS - Networked Information Systems
OE - Ocean Engineering
PAE - Product Architecture and Engineering
PIN - Pinnacle Scholar
PME - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
QF - Quantitative Finance
SES - Systems Engineering Security
SM - Sustainability Management
SOC - Service Oriented Computing
SSW - Software Engineering
SYS - Systems Engineering
TE Technical Elective
TG - Technogenesis
TM - Telecommunications Management
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2022-2023 Academic Catalog
> HHS - Humanities/History
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HHS - Humanities/History
HHS 119
The Ancient World
HHS 120
Origins of Western Culture
HHS 123
History of European Society and Culture To 1800
HHS 124
History of European Society and Culture Since 1800
HHS 125
United States History To 1865
HHS 126
United States History Since 1865
HHS 130
History of Science and Technology
HHS 135
Survey of the Islamic World
HHS 180
History of Art: Prehistory to Modern Era
HHS 195
History of Electronic and Experimental Music
HHS 210
History of Medicine
HHS 280
Modern Art History and Theory
HHS 281
History of Photography
HHS 283
African Art and Architecture
HHS 301
Introduction to Historical Methods
HHS 310
Social History of Science
HHS 311
Science and Society inthe 20th Century
HHS 321
Gay Studies
HHS 322
American Cultural History
HHS 323
Women and Gender in American History
HHS 324
Women and Gender in European History
HHS 325
African-American Studies
HHS 350
Music of the Eastern Mediterranean
HHS 355
U.S. Foreign Relations
HHS 356
The Golden Age of Athens
HHS 357
Latin American History
HHS 359
Ancient and Medieval Science
HHS 363
Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution
HHS 367
Twentieth Century History
HHS 368
History of Astronomy
HHS 369
Studies in the Scientific Revolution
HHS 370
U.S. Constitutional Law I: Early Foundations and Federalism
HHS 371
Modern US Presidency and the Legislative Process
HHS 373
US Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
HHS 378
Modern European History
HHS 384
Modern Utopias in Art, Design, and Architecture
HHS 385
Contemporary Art
HHS 386
Ancient Civilizations: The Roman Empire
HHS 387
The History of American Films
HHS 395
Images of American Life
HHS 397
Historical Materialism
HHS 414
Industrial America
HHS 415
Religion in America
HHS 420
Modern East Asian Studies
HHS 440
International Cinema & International Politics
HHS 463
The Sixties: A Decade of Protest
HHS 465
From Caves to Cathedrals: Engineering and Technology Until 1500
HHS 466
Water, Wind and Steam: Engineering From 1400-1750
HHS 467
Engineering Empire From 1700 to 2000
HHS 468
The Electronic Century: Engineering The Last 100 Years
HHS 469
History of England: 1066 - Present
HHS 473
Renaissance Studies
HHS 475
Environmental Sustainability in Historical Perspective
HHS 479
Studies in the History of Technology
HHS 495
Seminar in History