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2022-2023 Academic Catalog
> CE - Civil Engineering
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CE - Civil Engineering
CE 240
Introduction to Geosciences
CE 261
Mechanics of Materials
CE 304
Water Resources Engineering
CE 322
Engineering Design VI
CE 342
Fluid Mechanics
CE 345
Modeling and Simulation
CE 365
Numerical Modeling in Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 373
Structural Analysis
CE 377
The Art of Structural Engineering
CE 381
Civil Engineering Measurements Lab
CE 399
Civil Engineering Project Management
CE 410
Transportation Engineering Design
CE 423
Engineering Design VII
CE 424
Engineering Design VIII
CE 483
Geotechnical Engineering
CE 484
Reinforced Concrete Design
CE 486
Structural Steel Design
CE 498
Research in Civil Engineering I
CE 499
Research in Civil Engineering II
CE 503
Engineering Hydraulics
CE 504
Water Resources Engineering
CE 508
Transportation Engineering
CE 510
Structural Health Monitoring
CE 514
Long-Term Structural Resilience
CE 515
Long-Term Structural Integrity
CE 518
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
CE 519
Advanced Structural Analysis
CE 520
Soil Behavior and Its Role in Environmental Applications
CE 521
The Nature of Urban Design
CE 522
Parametric Modeling in the Urban Environment
CE 525
Engineering Hydrology
CE 526
Watershed Modeling
CE 527
Wetland Hydrology
CE 530
Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring
CE 535
Stormwater Management
CE 536
Cyber-Physical Security in Critical Infrastructure and the Built Environment
CE 537
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
CE 541
Project Management for Construction
CE 545
Modeling & Simulation in Civil Engineering
CE 546
Machine Learning and Analytics in Civil Engineering Applications
CE 554
Water Resources Sustainability
CE 555
Introductory Railroad Engineering
CE 560
Advanced Soil Testing
CE 561
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
CE 565
Numerical Methods for Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 566
Numerical Methods for Fluid Flow in Subsurface Energy Systems
CE 576
Multi-Hazard Engineering
CE 578
Coastal and Flood Plain Engineering
CE 579
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structures
CE 589
Advanced Concrete Technology
CE 591
Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology
CE 593
Urban Meteorology
CE 595
Geotechnical Design
CE 596
Transportation Systems Planning and Operation
CE 601
Theory of Elasticity
CE 604
Matrix-Tensor Applications in Mechanics
CE 606
Limit Analysis of Frames, Plates and Shells
CE 607
Theory of Elastic Stability
CE 608
Theory of Plates and Shells
CE 613
Matrix Analysis of Structures
CE 621
Bridge Design for Structural Engineers
CE 623
Structural Dynamics
CE 626
Earthquake Engineering Design
CE 628
Wind Effects on Structures
CE 640
Prestressed Concrete
CE 648
Numerical Hydrodynamics
CE 649
Earth Supporting Structures
CE 650
Water Distribution Systems Analysis
CE 651
Drainage Design and Modeling
CE 652
Hydrologic Modeling
CE 654
Environmental Geotechnology
CE 660
Advanced Steel Structures
CE 679
Regression and Stochastic Methods
CE 681
Introduction to Finite Element Methods
CE 682
Design of Hydraulic Equipment
CE 684
Mixing Processes in Inland and Coastal Waters
CE 685
Advanced Hydraulics
CE 687
Design of Hydraulic Structures
CE 695
Traffic Flow Modeling and Operations
CE 701
Multiscale Mechanics and Computational Methods
CE 702
Practicum in Civil Engineering
CE 706
Co-Op Engagement in Civil Engineering
CE 710
Multiscale Mechanics and Computational Methods
CE 741
Hydraulic Structures
CE 746
Soil Mechanics
CE 780
Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering I
CE 781
Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering II
CE 800
Special Problems in Civil Engineering
CE 801
Special Problems in Civil Engineering (PHD)
CE 802
Special Problems in Civil Engineering (Deg CE)
CE 810
Special Topics in Civil Engineering
CE 900
Thesis in Civil Engineering (ME)
CE 930
Civil Engineering Qualifying Exam - Written
CE 931
Civil Engineering Qualifying Exam - Oral
CE 950
Civil Engineering Project (Deg CE)
CE 960
Research in Civil Engineering (PHD)