
Application Process

High school students wishing to enroll in the Dual Enrollment program must:

  • Meet with their high school guidance counselor to gain approval to participate in the Dual Enrollment program.
  • After gaining approval from their high school to participate in the program, Dual Enrollment students will be asked to complete a Savannah Technical College (STC) Dual Enrollment Application packet which will include all of the required forms needed to participate in the program and meet with STC’s High School Coordinator.
  • The application fee for all Dual Enrollment students is waived.
  • Take the required placement test or submit valid ACT or SAT scores or other accepted academic readiness documentation.
  • Students must meet the required test scores for the program in which they are enrolling.
  • Students must log onto the website to apply for the Dual Enrollment funding. The application for funding must be approved by the high school counselor and the approved courses added prior to the start of the semester the class is scheduled. Students will not be allowed to start class until Dual Enrollment funding is completed. The High School Coordinator of STC or designee will update the Dual Enrollment funding application in the GAFutures Surfer with the corresponding STC courses. Savannah Technical College’s Financial Aid office will apply the aid to the STC financial aid account and invoice GAFutures. Dual Enrollment students must complete the online Dual Enrollment funding application each semester they are enrolled at the college and failure to do so will result in them being billed.