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Welcome from the President
General Information
Student Affairs
Office of Admissions
Military Friendly College
Eligible Applicants
Required Academic Criteria
Assessment of Program Readiness
Admissions Categories
Admission Types
Enrollment for High School Students
International Student Admission
Residency Information
Verification of Lawful Presence in the United States
Audit Students
Transfer Credit Information
STC Transient Students
Change of Information
Student Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Financial Aid
Gainful Employment
Completion/Graduation Rate
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Tuition and Fees
Student Rights and Responsibility
Campus Safety and Security
Campus Carry
Definitions of Clery Act Reportable Crimes
Procedures for Reporting Incidents:
Campus Security Authorities
Policy on Confidential Reporting
Access to Campus Buildings
Emergency Operations Plan
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
Emergency Notifications:
Procedures for Reported Incidents of Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
Assistance for Victims: Rights and Options
Complainant’s Right to Know the Resolution of the Case
Procedures Victims Should Follow
Making a Report to the College
Filing a Complaint with the College
Pursuing Criminal Charges
Possible Sanctions
Violation of Federal, State, or Local Law
Conditions of Disciplinary Suspension and Expulsion
Appeals Procedure
Bystander Intervention
Registered Sex Offender Information
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
Disciplinary Sanctions Imposed by Student Code of Conduct
Criminal Sanctions
Health Risks Associated with the Use of Illicit Drugs and the Abuse of Alcohol
Weapons Policy
Safety Escorts
Student Organizations and Special Programs
Tutorial Services
Counseling and Disability Services
Special Populations
Career Services
Student Consumer Information
Academic Information
Savannah Technical College Faculty and Staff
Statement of Equal Opportunity Non-Discrimination Policy
2022-2023 Academic Calendar
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Conditions of Disciplinary Suspension and Expulsion
A student who has been suspended or expelled from Savannah Technical College shall be denied all privileges afforded a student and shall be required to vacate College premises at a time determined by the Student Disciplinary Officer or his/her designee.
In addition, after vacating Savannah Technical College premises, a suspended or expelled student may not enter upon the College premises at any time, for any purpose, in the absence of written permission from the Student Disciplinary Officer or his/her designee. A suspended or expelled student must contact the Student Disciplinary Officer or his/her designee for permission to enter the College premises for a limited, specified purpose.
If the student seeks to submit a signed Disciplinary Sanction Appeal Form, the Student Disciplinary Officer or his/her designee must accept the form by mail or fax if he/she refuses the student’s request to enter Savannah Technical College premises for that specified purpose.
A scheduled appeal hearing before the Judicial Body shall be understood as expressed permission from the Student Disciplinary Officer or his/her designee for a student to enter the Savannah Technical College premises for the duration of that hearing.