5.22 Solicitation on Campus
Related MnSCU Board Policy: None
Related MnSCU Board Procedure: None
Purpose: To fulfill Board policy and procedure with regard to advertisement distribution and solicitation on College Property owned or leased by Normandale Community College.
Part 1: Definitions
- College Property for purposes of this policy refers to all property, buildings, parking facilities and structures under the primary control of the College through ownership, lease, or other means. This also includes all public or private locations the College has leased for College events, including, but not limited to: academic and administrative meetings, intercollegiate and intramural sporting events, and student, faculty, and staff activities.
- Solicitation is defined as the act of distributing advertisements to the College community or College visitors on College property.
- Advertisement Materials defined to include a form of distributed material designed to sell some commodity, service, item, or similar. This can also include a public notice for an event held on or off campus, or recommendation of a particular product, service, job, career, or person.
Part 2: Authorization for Solicitation
Subpart A: Prior To Distribution, Authorization Must Be Received
- The Director of Student Life or designee may authorize the distribution of advertisement materials.
- All materials must be reviewed and stamped by a Student Life Representative with an expiration date.
- Under certain circumstances, solicitors may also receive authorization to distribute advertisement materials through the Vice President of Operations or designee.
Part 3: Policy Enforcement
Subpart A: Normandale Community College Public Safety Department
Public Safety Officers are authorized to enforce this policy and any violation of city ordinance regarding solicitation. Violations are provided in Part 4 of this policy.
Subpart B: Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement officers are authorized to enforce any city ordinance violations for solicitation.
Part 4: Violations
Subpart A: Policy and/or Ordinance Violations
Persons who have not received authorization provided in Part 2 Authorization for Solicitation prior to soliciting on campus or those in violation of city ordinances relating to this policy may be subject to either a Normandale or Hennepin County citation.
Subpart B: Trespass Notification
In addition to a Normandale or Hennepin County citation provided in Part 4 Subpart A(1), persons in violation of this policy or in violation of city ordinances relating to this policy may be subject to a written trespass notification for up to 1 year and will be asked to leave the College property immediately.
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: Established prior to 2011
Date of Implementation:
Date and Subject of Revisions:
Next Review Date: 2015-16