Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Instructional Design and Multimedia (MS)

The Master of Science in Instructional Design and Multimedia is aimed at developing leaders to produce valuable resources for teaching and learning. The graduate of this program will exhibit competences for the creation, planning, execution and evaluation of the instruction. In addition, the selection, production and practical use of multimedia in instructional designs. The program combines conceptual, technical and attitudinal skills to prepare professionals who work as a specialist in the field of education with application in instructional and multimedia design.

The Ponce Campus is authorized to offer this program through online education.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop the competences that allow the student to:


Know and understand:

  1. the fundamentals and phases of instructional design.
  2. instructional strategies and techniques.
  3. strategies for the integration of multimedia in instructional design.
  4. the new technological aspects and their different uses in the educational process.


  1. Design instructional modules using various technological means.
  2. Apply an instructional design model for the development of educational resources.
  3. Produce multimodal instructional content adaptable to different learning environments.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of multimedia in the educational process.


  1. Appreciate the ethical and legal aspects inherent to the use of technology in the teaching and learning process.
  2. Recognize the importance of evaluation as a useful process for decision making and attention to educational management needs.
  3. Demonstrate continued commitment to their professional development.

Requirements for the Master of Science in Instructional Design and Multimedia

Core Requirements 9 credits
Concentration Requirements 15 credits
Operational Requirements 6 credits
Total 30 credits

Core Requirements - 9 credits

DIMU 6100Fundamentals of Instructional Design


DIMU 6200Instructional Design Models


DIMU 6300Instructional Strategies and Techniques


Concentration Requirements - 15 credits

DIMU 6400Integration of Multimedia in Instruction


DIMU 6500Didactic Multimedia


DIMU 6600Educational Videos


DIMU 6700Web Technology and Mobiles


DIMU 6800Instructional Video Game Integration


Operational Requirements - 6 credits

DIMU 6901Integrative Project I


DIMU 6902Integrative Project II