Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Applied Mathematics (MA)

The Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics develops professional mathematicians in the theoretical base and in the applications of the main areas of this discipline, to perform their roles in society as creative and sound individuals. The Program prepares students for employment in the industry, government, and commerce, in areas such as statistics, scientific computing, insurance, investments, the formulation of mathematical models and others.

The curriculum of this Program includes a core component consisting of calculus, algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and mathematical computation; and another, including the elective courses, in one or several of the areas of applied mathematics such as computer science, mathematical models of science, statistics, operational research, economics, and insurance mathematics. The Program is available to students of any major who have approved courses equivalent to Calculus II and Linear Algebra in the undergraduate level with a minimum grade of "C".

The San Germán Campus is authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics is designed to develop the competencies enabling the student to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. different aspects and approaches of a problem to obtain a comprehensive solution.
  2. mathematical representations of the theories or problems of one or more of the following areas: natural sciences, computer sciences, economics, insurance, operations research or cryptography and apply the appropriate solving methods to linear, non-linear, statistical models, combinatorial and graph theory.


  1. Develop mathematical models or applications.
  2. Design and solve mathematical models for different problems in the industry and in the sciences.
  3. Use available modern technology for the solution of mathematical problems, by reading and analyzing manuals, catalogs or references independently, as necessary.


  1. Confront the challenges presented by a dynamic and high-tech work environment and take advantage of the opportunities for professional success offered by the market.
  2. Show ethical behavior and moral responsibility in the exercise of their profession.
  3. Appreciate participation in the mathematical community and be a valuable professional for society.

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics, the student must meet the admission requirements for Graduate Programs established in the Graduate Catalog in effect at the moment of admission. In addition, the student must:

  1. Present the results of the “Examen de Admisión a Estudios de Posgrado (EXADEP)” or the Graduate Examination Record (GRE).
  2. Have passed the following courses or their equivalent at the undergraduate level in a recognized university, with a minimum grade of ¨C¨:
    1. Calculus II
    2. Linear Algebra

Graduation Requirements

All students who aspire to obtain the Master of Arts degree in Applied Mathematics, in addition to meeting all the requirements of Comprehensive Examinations and Other Options that appear in the current Graduate Catalog, must satisfy the following specific requirement:

  1. Pass the comprehensive examinations or develop satisfactorily a Creative Project, as outlined in the course MATH 6900.

Requirements for the Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics

Core Course Requirements 18 credits
Prescribed Distributive Requirements 15 credits
Total 33 credits

Core Course Requirements - 18 credits

MATH 5100Intermediate Calculus


MATH 5200Computational Mathematics


MATH 5400Probability


MATH 5500Advanced Discrete Mathematics


MATH 5800Topics in Abstract Algebra


MATH 6400Advanced Mathematical Statistics


Prescribed Distributive Requirements - 15 credits

Five (5) courses selected from the following:

MATH 5900Mathematical Logic and Applications


MATH 6100Introduction to Real Analysis


MATH 6150Mathematical Models of Physical Sciences


MATH 6151Mathematical Models of Biological Sciences


MATH 6200Graphs and Applications


MATH 6300Actuarial Mathematics and Risk Theory


MATH 6350Mathematical Methods in Research


MATH 6420Data Analysis


MATH 6450Statistics Regression Models


MATH 6470Time Series


MATH 6600Econometrics and Finance Models


MATH 6800Cryptography


MATH 6810Information Theory and Codification


MATH 6900Creative Project