Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Biology (MS)

Biology (MS) Requirements

The Master of Science in Biology offers two specializations: Molecular Biotechnology and Environmental and Ecological Sciences. The emphasis of the Program is to present an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on scientific reasoning to prepare students for work in the field of Biology dealing with the molecular aspects of biotechnology, ecology or the environmental sciences.

Graduates of this program will be able to emit technical and scientific judgments related to their area of specialization and to general aspects of Biology. They will obtain experience in the use and application of available technologies to understand and to answer questions of a scientific nature. The program will reinforce ethical aspects in research and will promote the development of an integral knowledge of biological sciences on which the student’s specialization is based.

The Aguadilla and Bayamón campuses are authorized to offer this Program.

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting the admission requirements established in this Catalog, students must:

  1. Hold a Bachelor in Natural Sciences or related areas.
  2. Have passed at the undergraduate level, a minimum of three (3) credits in each of the following courses or equivalents:
    1. Cellular-Molecular Biology
    2. Statistics
    3. Calculus
  3. Present two (2) letters de recommendation, preferably from Natural Science professors.

Specialization in Molecular Biotechnology (Biology)

Specialization in Environmental and Ecological Sciences (Biology)