Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Cyber ​​Security (Post Bachelor Professional Certificate)

The Post Bachelor Professional Certificate in Cyber Security contains a curriculum that trains the student with the essential elements for the security of information systems. The Program emphasizes the fundamental techniques for the detection of threats and vulnerabilities, as well as the protection of computerized information systems and computer networks. In addition, the laws related to security are studied, as well as the operation of the agencies that are responsible for compliance with them. The student will know the essential elements of the threats to the security of an information system, security assessment techniques, related laws and analysis and mitigation of cybercrimes.

The Ponce Campus is authorized to offer this Program through online education.

Competencies Profile of Graduate

The Program is designed to develop the skills that allow the student:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. concepts and techniques for security in computerized information systems and computer networks.
  2. systems, security applications and physical security policies, laws and protection of computerized networks.


  1. Use essential methods in the protection of computerized information systems and computer networks.
  2. Employ assessment, design, protection and mitigation techniques in computer systems.


  1. Recognize the ethical principles that apply to the field of cybersecurity.

Admission Requirements

  1. Comply with the admission rules established in the Graduate Catalog of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.
  2. Hold a Bachelor in Computer Science, in Engineering or related areas.

Professional Certificate Requirements in Cyber Security (Post Bachelor)

Specialization Requirements 12 credits
Distributive Prescribed Requirements 3 credits
Total 15 credits

Specialization Requirements - 12 credits

CYSE 5000Introduction to Cyber Security


CYSE 5010Design, Implementation and Assessment in Security


CYSE 5020Ethical and Legal Aspects


CYSE 5030Cyber Crimes: Analysis and Mitigation


Distributive Prescribed Requirements - 3 credits

(Select one course among the followings)

CYSE 5040Forensic Security and Computers


CYSE 5050Network Penetration Tests