Repeat Courses

With prior written authorization from the appropriate advisor and dean, a student may repeat a course to improve the cumulative grade point average. No Barry University course may be attempted more than three times. Withdrawals are counted as attempts.

If a student has an F and repeats the course and receives an A, only the A counts. Quality points and credits attempted and earned for the second attempt are counted in lieu of those earned for the initial attempt. Though both attempts remain part of the student’s permanent record, the cumulative grade point average will reflect only the grade earned on the second attempt. The Credit/No Credit Option cannot be exercised during the second attempt to remove a previous letter grade.

Courses transferred from other institutions are not considered for a repeat.

Course Repeat Policy Revised, Effective Spring 2021

With prior written authorization from the appropriate advisor and dean, a student may repeat a course to improve the cumulative grade point average. Except for degree programs for which this policy is incompatible, no Barry University course may be attempted more than three times. Withdrawals are counted as attempts. A “W” letter grade cannot be exercised during the second and third attempt to replace a previously earned letter grade. That is, if a student earns a C, repeats the course and withdraws (W grade), the C grade will be recorded.

Quality points and credits attempted along with the highest grade earned are counted. If a student has an F and repeats the course and receives an A, only the A counts. Similarly, if a student has a D, repeats the course and receives an F, only the D counts. Though all the attempts remain part of the student’s permanent record, the cumulative grade point average will reflect only the highest grade earned. The Credit/No Credit Option cannot be exercised during the second and third attempt to remove a previous letter grade.

Courses taken at another institution cannot be used to satisfy a repeat attempt.