Good Standing—Probation—Suspension

A student is in Good Academic Standing if the cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.00 or above.

A student is on Academic Probation if the cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.00. The dean of the appropriate school may require a student on probation to register for a limited load.

A student will be suspended: a) whose cumulative GPA falls below a 1.00 anytime following the first semester of attendance at Barry University; or b) immediately following the second time a student’s Barry cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00 (excluding the first semester of enrollment for first-time college-entering freshmen).

A student who has been suspended for academic reasons generally may not petition the Office of Admissions for readmission until one year has elapsed. The Admissions Office must have the approval of the dean of the appropriate school to readmit a student following suspension. Reference should be made to Readmission and Change of Status procedures.

A student suspended for any reason will be subject to those criteria and guidelines specified in the University Catalog in effect at the time of readmission.