Academic Awards

Dean’s List

To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must have achieved a grade point average of 3.50 taking at least 12 credits on a graded basis with no incomplete grades or grade lower than a C. In-progress (IP) grades and developmental courses will not be included in any calculations used to determine eligibility.

President’s List

To be eligible for the President’s List, students must have achieved a grade point average of 4.0 taking at least 12 credits on a graded basis with no incomplete grades. In-progress (IP) and developmental courses will not be included in any calculations used to determine eligibility.

Graduating With Honors

In order to qualify for graduation with distinction, a student must have taken a minimum of 56 credit hours at Barry carrying letter grades of A, B, C, or D, and must have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or above. Portfolio credits cannot be applied to the 56 credit hours required to graduate with honors. If a student returns for a second degree, he/she must complete all requirements for graduating with honors, not to include credits used for previous degree. Only courses taken at Barry are computed in determining honors. The GPA will be rounded using the third decimal place.

For distinction, CUM LAUDE, a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 is required; for MAGNA CUM LAUDE, 3.70; and for SUMMA CUM LAUDE, 3.90.