Department of Theology and Philosophy

Gloria L. Schaab, SSJ, PhD, Chair

Faculty: Alfarone, Austin, Boudreau, Erwin, Fairbanks, Gonzalez, Jones, McKeon, Nickoloff, Padilla, Presmanes, Schaab, Swaner, Wilcox

Mission Statement

The Department of Theology and Philosophy promotes the ongoing search for truth and the practice of justice interpreting the historical and contemporary world-engaging human experience, and responding to God’s revelation through the Catholic and Dominican traditions of reasoned analysis and faith.

Major and Minor in Theology Learning Goals

  • To systematically analyze Christian and Jewish thought and practice and differentiate between catechesis and -theology,
  • To critically analyze New Testament and Old Testament Scripture using historical-critical methods of biblical -interpretation,
  • To establish theological foundations for ethical practice,
  • To situate the historical development of theological praxis in its cultural and social contexts, and
  • To write coherently and concisely about theological beliefs and actions.