Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Second Language Research (PhD)

The PhD in Second Language Research is designed to prepare leaders in the study of the second language. Graduates of the program will have developed a robust approach towards the investigation of the influential factors of the acquisition and use of a second language. The program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct quantitative and qualitative research of high quality, as well as action research in educational and non-educational environments. The dissemination of results is a key component of the research process and the program requires the production of research articles of the quality required by a professional journal in many of the courses.

The Ponce Campus is authorized to offer this program through online education.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop competencies that allow the student to:


Understand the prominent factors related to the acquisition and use of the second language.

  1. Acquire knowledge of quantitative research designs and methodologies and their applications for second language research.
  2. Acquire knowledge of qualitative research designs and methodologies and their applications for second language research.
  3. Acquire knowledge of action research and its applications for second language research.
  4. Acquire knowledge of ethical considerations for the investigation of a second language.


  1. Develop an appropriate research design for the second language research problem.
  2. Analyze the social, cultural, psychological and linguistic aspects of the acquisition and use of the second language.
  3. Synthesize existing literature of second language research.
  4. Produce written and oral accounts of the research process and results of second language research.


  1. Value diversity among, environments and users of the second language and languages as such.
  2. Appreciate alternative points of view related to second language research.
  3. Consider ethical aspects in the design and practice of research.

Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress

  1. Comply with the requirements of satisfactory academic progress for doctoral programs as specified in the current Graduate Catalog.
  2. Once the student has completed SLAR 8990, he/she has a total of four (4) terms to complete the dissertation that includes SLAR 8991 and the three (3) dissertation extension courses SLAR 8992, 8993 and 8994. In extraordinary circumstances, the graduate program director, the dean of academic affairs, and the faculty of the program may give the student an additional term to complete his or her dissertation. In this case, the student must repeat SLAR 8991 Second Language Research Dissertation.

Graduation Requirements

In addition to complying with graduation requirements of the Graduate Catalog, students in this program must meet the following requirements.

  1. Complete all the specialization requirements with a minimum average of 3.00.
  2. Complete the dissertation requirement within four (4) terms after having successfully defended the research proposal submitted in SLAR 8990.
  3. This program has no residency requirements nor a comprehensive exam.

Admission Requirements

  1. Comply with the admission requirements in the current Graduate Catalog.
  2. Hold a master's degree (or equivalent) from an accredited university with a minimum of 3.00 academic average.
  3. Candidates who hold a master's or doctorate degree in areas not related to research or language teaching must pass the ENGL 5030 Principles of Linguistics course. Their admission will be provisional until the course is approved. They will not be able to enroll in any of the specialization courses until they have approved this course.
  4. If the undergraduate or previous graduate degree did not require a statistical course or if the course was not passed with a grade of 3.00 or higher, the candidate must approve EDUC 5133 Statistics or any other introductory statistics course at the graduate level. Admission will be provisional until the student passes the course with 3.00 or higher. The candidate cannot enroll in any of the specialization courses until the course is passed.
  5. Be bilingual in English (all courses will be offered in English) and an additional language (evidence is required).
  6. Present evidence of previous experience in research projects (example: master's thesis, research done as a requirement of a course, published or unpublished research).

Requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Philosophy in Second Language Research

Specialization Requirements 27 credits
Core Requirements 6 credits
Total 33 credits

Specialization Requirements - 27 credits

SLAR 7010Introduction to the Investigation of the Second Language


SLAR 7020Quantitative Research Design


SLAR 7030Qualitative Research Design


SLAR 7035Action Research Design


SLAR 7040Social, Cultural, and Political Aspects of the Second Language


SLAR 7050Reading Research in the Lecture in Second Language


SLAR 7060Investigation of Writing in a Second Language


SLAR 7070Research of Oral Communication in a Second Language


SLAR 7080Learning Languages Using Computed Technology


Core Requirements - from 6 (minimum) to 9 credits

SLAR 8990Dissertation Proposal for a Second Language Investigation


SLAR 8991Dissertation in Second Language Research


SLAR 8992Dissertation Extension I


SLAR 8993Dissertation Extension II


SLAR 8994Dissertation Extension III