Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Minor Specialization in Business and Entrepreneurial Education with Exceptional Populations

The Minor Specialization in Business and Entrepreneurial Education with Exceptional Populations is designed for the graduate student of the Master of Arts in Business and Entrepreneurial Education. This minor specialization aims to develop knowledge and skills in the education of exceptional students, students with specific learning disabilities, and those with superior or talented intelligence. The student will be trained in the application of technology in Business and Entrepreneurial Education.

The student who has approved any of the required courses must complete the 12 credits with any of the other courses required for the minor specialization.

The Metropolitan and San Germán campuses are authorized to offer this minor specialization.

Requirements for the Minor Specialization in Business and Entrepreneurial Education with Exceptional Populations - 15 credits

Required Courses

BUED 6060Integration of Technology in Business and Entrepreneurial Education


BUED 6070Virtual Learning Environments for Exceptional Students


EDUC 5740Education of the Exceptional Population


EDUC 6044Population with Specific Learning Problems


Select three (3) credits from the following courses:

BUED 5040Curricular Innovations in Teaching


EDUC 6045Population with Superior Intelligence and Talents


EDUC 6270Evaluation and Design of Teaching for Exceptional Students