Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics (DS)

The Doctorate in Science in Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics prepares professionals in the study of technology applied in the areas of operations, distribution and global logistics. This is aimed at professionals, educators, administrators, managers, engineers, executives, directors, owners of businesses and would-be entrepreneurs, interested in developing and implementing strategies on the implementation of technology in the operations, the distribution and logistics so that they respond to changes in local and global markets. Competencies are developed to enable students to hold positions as logistics business process analysts, administrative distribution managers, or other management support areas that do not require a professional license.

The Ponce Campus is authorized to offer this program through online education.

Program Goals

  1. To respond to the dynamism that globalization poses to businesses, organizations, government agencies, through the training of specialists and researchers in the field of technology applied to operations and logistics.
  2. Contribute to the development of professionals providing them with the skills that enable them to solve problems, evaluate and analyze the efforts of applied technology, operations and logistics.
  3. Promote research and application development of knowledge in the areas of technology, operations, distribution and logistics.

Program Objectives

  1. Expand the knowledge on the fundamental elements related to the application of technology in the processes, in the operations of transportation, in distribution and in logistics in the local and international level.
  2. To provide skills for the analysis and simulation of processes of transportation, distribution and logistics through analysis of routes and distribution channel design.
  3. To promote the relevance in research of application of technology to distribution and logistics functions in international organizations.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

This program is designed to develop the skills that will enable the student to:


  1. Know the theoretical and practical foundations of applied technology in operations and logistics.
  2. Recognize the necessary aspects to develop models and simulations of the processes of operations, distribution and logistics.
  3. Understand the new challenges, paradigms and technological tools in operations management models, distribution and logistics business.
  4. Identify the methods and procedures that can be applied in the development of an applied research or project.


  1. Research, and develop models of business analysis of products and services.
  2. Apply skills in analysis, management, application and implementation of technological tools in operations and logistics.
  3. Formulate and interpret indicators, coefficients and metrics in the evaluation of the operations, distribution and logistics.
  4. Investigate and apply theories, principles and models of operation and logistics to the analysis of efficiency and process optimization.


  1. Disseminate the importance of investigation of the principles and objectives of the analysis and simulation of distribution and logistics as a tool to add value to the operational model of local and international organizations.
  2. Assess the application of the technology in the fields of operations and logistics, as a fundamental element to meet the challenges and needs in the management of market products and services in the global environment.
  3. Promulgate ethical commitment, preparation and professional development, research and analysis in the field of technology applied in operations and logistics in the strengthening of the Academy and the global economy.

Admission Requirements

  1. Comply with the admission requirements in the current graduate catalogue.
  2. Hold a master's degree in business administration, technology, computer science, logistics, management, sciences engineering, operations or related areas.
  3. Be admitted to the Doctoral Program in Science in Applied Technology in Global Logistics and Operations.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

  1. Meet the requirements for satisfactory academic progress for doctoral programs as specified in the current graduate catalog.
  2. Once the student has satisfactorily completed the courses with a minimum grade of B in each course and demonstrates mastery of the subjects of applied technology in operations and logistics, the student will continue the process of formal research for defense of the dissertation.
  3. In extraordinary circumstances, the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Department Chair and the Faculty of the program can extend to the student an additional term to successfully complete the courses and continue with the doctoral program.
  4. Once the student has completed TALO 8991 Dissertation I, the student will have three (3) terms to complete the dissertation, as described in the course TALO 8992 Dissertation II.
  5. The student should register in the course TALO 8992 Dissertation II or continuation of the Dissertation, as appropriate each term until its approval.
  6. The Department Chair or its counterpart can ask the Dean of Academic Affairs for an extension of additional terms, as stipulated in the current graduate catalog.

Graduation Requirements

Pass all courses in the program with a minimum grade of B. Successfully complete, present, and defend a doctoral dissertation or applied project. It does not require passing a comprehensive exam to advance to the dissertation phase.

The student must complete the requirements for the degree within a period of eight (8) years. The graduated committee may recommend to the pertinent authorities to extend said term for a period of no more than two (2) years in exceptional meritorious cases.

Requirements of the Doctorate in Science in Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics (Online)

Specialization Requirements 33 credits
Operational Requirements 9 credits
Total 42 credits

Specialization Requirements - 33 credits

TALO 7100Operations Management


TALO 7200Distribution and Global Logistics


TALO 7300Service Operations Management


TALO 7400Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics


TALO 7500Corporate Technology and Security


TALO 7600Business Intelligence


TALO 7700Planning and Enterprise Resource Management


TALO 7800Cybergenetic Investigation and Forensic Methods


TALO 7900Simulations in Operations and Global Logistics


TALO 7950Audit and Control in Security Informatics


TALO 7960Research Methodology


Operational Requirements - 9 credits

TALO 7970Seminar in Applied Technology in Operations and Global Logistics



TALO 7980Applied Project Seminar


TALO 8991Dissertation I



TALO 8993Applied Project I


TALO 8992Dissertation II



TALO 8994Applied Project II