401-4 - Faculty Workload

Title:  Faculty Workload Calculation
Owner: Office of the Provost
Last Update/Revised: 11/05/2020

PolicyUnited States University recognizes and supports the important work that faculty members do in and outside of the course room to benefit students, academic disciplines, the University, and the community. It is critical that each of USU’s academic units carefully manage workload equity while also capitalizing on the efficient use of teaching, research/creative activity, and service resources. In support of that obligation, the following workload guidelines provide details regarding faculty workload calculations and describe the association between workload and the staffing profile that is used to inform decisions regarding staffing needs. These guidelines will support program, college, and university decisions related to the equitable and judicious sharing of faculty workload and are designed to take full advantage of the amount of time instructional faculty in various roles spend in direct contact with students, within research/creative activity, and service responsibilities, and with reallocations to other activities in support of the university’s mission. These guidelines are appropriately malleable to empower both faculty and administration to facilitate the university’s teaching, research/creative activity and service missions.

In general, we estimate .5 hours per student per week.  This means that faculty can teach 50 students per session and remain at about 25 hours per week and maintain adherence to ACA weekly hour guidelines. Faculty workload will be managed by academic session, and all part-time or adjunct faculty members will be limited to 25 load values per week. Compensation is provided to adjunct faculty for each of the tasks listed below in the workload calculation.

Two increments of .5 hours are a load value base of 1 load value base per week.

Full time = 35 load values (to allow for administrative time, PD, etc.).

1 course of 25 students = 12.5 load per week

2 courses of 25 each = 25 load  per week

1 clinical course of 6-8 students = 12.5 load per week.

1 assessment rubric development (1 per 60 minutes) = 2 load base per week. 

Course development (50  hours) - load base calculated over number of weeks. (Approximately .5 course if developed over a session) = 10 load base per week.

Course revision (25 hours) - load base calculated over number of weeks. (Approximately .5  teaching course, if over one session) = 5 load base per week

Governance - 4 hours per month = 2 load base per week (if elected senator). 

Purpose: The purpose of policy is to ensure that faculty workload aligns with federal and state regulatory requirements.

Scope: This policy applies to all university faculty and adjunct. 

Document and Form(s): 

  • Faculty Handbook