401-2 - Faculty Governance

Title:  Faculty Role in Governance
Owner: Office of the Provost
Last Update/Revised: 02/25/2021

Policy: The Board of Trustees, the administration, and the Faculty recognize the Faculty Senate as the primary Faculty governance body representing the Faculty in matters pertaining to the Faculty. The Faculty has the right and obligation to advise and confer with the President, the Provost, Deans, and other administrative officers on issues affecting the status, responsibilities, and welfare of the Faculty.

Purpose: United States University (USU) believes that shared governance is a fundamental ingredient of a healthy academic institution– and an essential right and responsibility of a scholarly community. The USU faculty provides a structure that includes an elected faculty governance body – the Faculty Senate – through which faculty and administrators work together to implement USU’s mission

Scope: This policies applies to all university faculty: full-time, part-time, adjunct.

Document and Form(s):

  • Faculty Senate By laws