302-1 - Registration

Title:  Registration
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 02/25/2021

Policy: The University utilizes the online registration functionality through the Student Portal. Once student has been accepted the student will have the ability to self-register. All programs of study are structured with a prescribed course sequence. Students may add and/or drop courses through the add/drop period (see add/drop period).

Students are not permitted to request a specific faculty member, nor request to avoid a course that a particular faculty member is teaching. The university reserves the right to make determinations about student scheduling in accordance with the needs of the college.

A student may not self-register in the prescribed sequence until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Prevention may be, but not limited to, pending award of transfer credit, satisfactorily pass coursework at USU, and/or meet any program specific requirements. A student may not register for a class and a course prerequisite in the same semester. Information on course prerequisites or co-requisites can be found in the course descriptions in this Catalog.

For further registration assistance a guide is available in the Student Portal. Students may also consult with their designated Academic Advisor.

Purpose: This policy is to serve how students can register into the system and set expectations regarding curriculum requirements: e.g., pre/co requisites. 

Scope: This policy applies to all university employees and current students.

Document and Form(s):