302-6 - Change of Student Demographic Information

Title: Changes of Student Demographic Information
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised:  02/25/2021

Policy: Students are responsible for maintaining  up-to-date information: e.g., name, residence, phone number, or email address. Update to student information, except student name, may be completed in the student portal. Name change requests must be accompanied by a copy of one of the following: court order, marriage certificate, dissolution decree, social security card, or driver's license.

Refer to the Change of Student Name and Preferred Name Policy for more information.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to give instruction on how a student may update their demographic information to ensure University has accurate contact information when sending important information to students.

Scope: This policy applies to all university employees, current and prior students. 

Document and Form(s): 

  • Change of Student Information Form