301-3 - English Proficiency

Title: Language of Instruction and Delivery
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 02/25/2021

Policy: The University's language of instruction is English and students are expected to be proficient in the English language equivalent to those completed at a secondary level (high school). English language services are not provided by the University. Students may be required to provide proof of English proficiency if not the primary language. Below is a listing the University may consider acceptable proof:

  • Evidence of completion of secondary education within the United States,
  • Evidence of receiving educational training in the English language,
  • English proficiency examinations such as TOEFL or IELTS completed within five (5) years,
  • Evidence of external degree received from an accredited institution in which language of instruction of English.

The University's programs are primarily delivered online as notated within this University Catalog. However, certain courses or programs may also be delivered in a hybrid or on ground modality. 

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is inform potential and current students of language of instruction within the University and requirements for admission decisions as required under State of California requirements. 

Scope: The scope of this policies applies to all potential and current students seeking admission to the University. 

Document and Form(s):