301-9 Articulation Agreements

Title: Articulation Agreements
Owner: Executive Director, Registrar Operations and Academic Compliance
Last Update/Revised: 02/25/2021

Policy: The University makes every effort to build agreements with other institutions of higher learning. Agreements may be executed throughout an academic year and published on the University website before publishing onto the Catalog or addendum.

Refer to the University Catalog Transfer Credit Policy for full disclosure on transfer credits and agreement listing.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to provide transparency of established agreements and a process on how agreements are executed with accredited, unaccredited, and non-traditional institutions within guidelines set forth by accrediting agencies and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO). 

Scope: The scope of this policy applies to all university employees, future, and current students.

Document and Form(s):