Department of Career Services and One-Stop Operations

Career Services

4646 Hilry Huckaby Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71107

Career Services works with potential graduates, alumni and employers to connect graduate workforce goals with the needs of employers; this includes student career preparation and readiness, employer development and relationship building, and planning of events to connect the two entities. The office supports community partnerships that are focused on career awareness or related initiatives. Services offered through the Office of Career Services includes employer relations, career preparation and career education, labor market information and guidance, job placement & internships, gainful employment data, volunteerism/service learning, and Skills USA program.

One-Stop Operations

2121 Fairfield Avenue, Ste. 100. Shreveport, LA 71104, (318) 676-7071

Southern University at Shreveport is the designated One-Stop Operator for the City of Shreveport Workforce Investment Board 71. SUSLA is charged with coordinating the service delivery among partner agencies in One-Stop Center (see list of mandated partners below), cross-training of service delivery system staff, facilitate sharing of best practices for continual improvement of partner performance and help ensure access to community services to address barriers and meet customer needs.

Administered locally by the City of Shreveport’s Department of Community Development, the One-Stop Center system is the cornerstone of the public workforce investment system. The One-Stop Center co-locates and enhances several key employment, education, and training programs. The One-Stop Center is funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 and was designed to stimulate the employment, training, and retraining of unemployed and economically disadvantaged and dislocated workers through training subsidies and employer incentives.