Clubs and Organizations

Southern University at Shreveport is home to a highly diverse population of student groups. There is a club to fit each student’s interests and background. If not, students may start a new organization by following the steps listed in the Registering New Student Organization section of this catalog. Contact the Office of Student Activities and Services for more information about registered student organizations. All student clubs and organizations on campus are open and accessible to all students; except where specific policies of exclusion are set as an appropriate part of the function of the organization. Faculty, staff, and administrators serve as sponsors and advisors for campus clubs and organizations. The student clubs and organizations include, but are not limited to, the following:

Accounting Club

This organization is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in accounting practices. Students are introduced to the best practices of accounting.

Afro-American Society

(Transatlantic Club) This organization provides academic and social support to members which assist them in obtaining the highest level of achievement on campus. This organization strives to be a strong-knit inclusive community. Through dialogue and programming, this organization also works to enrich and inform the campus about issues that affect minorities; particularly African-Americans.

Alpha Sigma Epsilon (Health Information Technology (HIT) Club)

This club is open to all interested HIT program students. The HIT Club promotes school and community service activities to health professions as well as a healthy lifestyle, and seeks to demonstrate leadership, respect and teamwork through community service.

Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM)

This organization inspires students to love God and help them experience God's love. Students are encouraged to make choices to invest in others and allow others to invest in them. Students are challenged to live Biblically. Students are also taught to reach their peers with God's love.

Biology Club

This club represents an organization that not only seeks to promote advancement of student academically, but to make a contribution to the community. The goal of the Biology Club is to increase biology majors and increase the community awareness of students in science.

Business Club

This club promotes and develops the professional skills of students, encourages and assists students entering the accounting and business management profession, provides opportunities for students to fulfill their civic responsibilities, promotes public confidence in students and the services they provide and encourages continued educational growth beyond the associate degree program.

Career Services:

This organization’s objective is to create resources and prepare students for careers, support dedication and community services, provide developmental education, and build partnerships with business and industry through the components of volunteer-service learning, internship and job placement; while enhancing their transition from college to career and supporting the goal for SUSLA excellence.

Community Education for Life Transition (C.E.L.T):

C.E.L.T supports young adults as they transition to life after high school in building independence and quality of life.

Criminal Justice Club

This club promotes academic leadership. It educates students and the public about today’s criminal justice system and provides job/learning opportunities in the areas of corrections, law enforcement, and courts.

Dental Hygienic Club:

This club is designed to educate the public on the importance of good oral hygiene and its effects on overall health. This club also prepares members for the National Board Exam.

Elite Club:

The purpose of the Elite Club is to expose students to events and activities beyond the classroom and/or enhance skills that are necessary to be “totally” successful in today’s society.

International Club:

This club solicits the membership of foreign and domestic students interested in the cultures, languages, and traditions of other nations. This club was established to provide support to Southern University at Shreveport’s growing number and diversity of foreign students and to promote awareness, understanding and appreciation of foreign cultures within the university community.

Library Club:

This club stimulates interest in reading, viewing, and evaluating information. Students are apprised of library procedures and related institutions. This club also promotes books, reading and technology.

Phi Theta Kappa (BETA BETA NU):

This organization promotes scholarship, the development of leadership and service, and the cultivation of fellowship among qualified students of Southern University at Shreveport. Eligibility for membership includes a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, compliance with the school conduct code and recognizable qualities of citizenship. In addition, students desiring to join the society must be currently enrolled at SUSLA and have earned 12 hours toward an associate; transfer hours or SUSLA hours.

Port City Jags Cheerleaders and Dance Line (J-Belles):

Port City Jags Cheerleader and Dance Line are a group of dynamic students whose passion and desire for university athletics is matched only by the enthusiasm of their campus spirit. The Cheerleader and Dance Line programs are designed to instill leadership skills, respect, sportsmanship, and promote unity among the student body in all activities.

Psychology Club:

This club is designed to foster and encourage interest in psychology, to inform students about psychology as a profession, and to provide an informal atmosphere for discussion about topics of current interest.

Radiologic Technology Club:

Students enrolled in the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiologic Program of Southern University at Shreveport are eligible for the Student Radiologic Club; which provides special training programs and seminars as well as social activities to promote leadership in the radiology field.

Respiratory Therapy:

This club affords respiratory care majors and other interested students the opportunity to participate in many phases of respiratory care. Members are taught the different facets of the allied health field.

Sociology Club:

This club is open to sociology majors for the purposes of providing collegial support and fellowship, exchange of ideas, community service, service to the university and learning enhancement.

Student Center Board (SCB):

The SCB is an integral and vital part of the educational process and shares the university's goal of intellectual and personal growth. This organization encourages self-directed activities under the supervision of the Office of Student Activities and Services. The SCB's continuing goal is the creation of an environment that fosters self- expression, debate of issues, exchanges of and exposure to new ideas and a concern for humanity and its environment. It, too, coordinates and sponsors, along with the Office of Student Activities and Services and the SGA, a series of social, cultural and educational events. Membership on the SCB is by election of the student body and appointments.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The purpose of the Student Government Association is to serve as a liaison between the administration, faculty, staff, and student body. It provides for student participation in school government, establishes better student-teacher relationships, affords training in citizenship, and ensures a sincere respect for the aims and objectives of Southern University at Shreveport.

Surgical Technology

This club is open to surgical technology majors and other interested students to participate in all phases of surgical technology on a local, State and National stage.

University Ambassadors

This organization is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in activities of the college. Students are introduced to the history of the college and represent the college with the recruiting staff. The Ambassadors participate in various activities of the college on and off campus.

University Students Against Destructive Decisions

This organization provides students with the best prevention and intervention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. Membership is open to all students who accept the goals as set forth by the club.