University Student Learning Outcomes (USLO)

Southern University at Shreveport identifies college-level competencies within the general education core appropriate to its goals and mission. The student learning outcomes for the institution are defined below.

1. Written and Oral Communication

The graduate from Southern University at Shreveport should be able to:

Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication by composing and presenting structured texts in a variety of oral and written forms according to purpose, audience, and occasion with implementation of thesis, supporting details, and idea development.

  • Write and speak fluently and concisely, applying standard English conventions in grammar, mechanics, usage and punctuation.
  • Adapt speaking and writing to context, considering opposing viewpoints.
  • Present ideas coherently and logically without plagiarism.
  • Employ principles to influence attitudes, beliefs and actions when appropriate.
  • Summarize, analyze, and interpret oral and written texts, with the ability to identify assumptions and differentiate fact from opinion.

2. Critical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning

The graduate from Southern University at Shreveport should be able to:

Solve problems by interpreting, analyzing, evaluating and applying known information received from statistical and other data, past experience, problem-solving techniques, inference, the scientific method, mathematical equations, graphics, etc., to make decisions, judgments, and predictions, constructing well-supported and sustained arguments to justify conclusions.

  • Demonstrate background knowledge of subject sufficient to understand the nature of a problem.
  • Define a problem verbally or by means of numerical or geometrical representatives of real-world phenomena.
  • Determine and employ solution techniques appropriate to solve a problem.
  • Make deductions from consequences.
  • Formulate alternatives.
  • Predict outcomes.
  • Verify solution satisfies the requirement of the problem.

3. Technological Competency

The graduate from Southern University at Shreveport should be able to:

Effectively utilize various modes and media using technology such as computers, computer software applications, the Internet, and other technology to produce documentation, data and graphical presentations appropriate to various academic and professional arenas/venues.

  • Create documents using various word processing, data management, and spreadsheet technology for written presentations.
  • Create presentations using PowerPoint technology to accompany oral presentations.
  • Relay information through data or graphical representation.

4. Research and Information Literacy

The graduate from Southern University at Shreveport should be able to:

Conduct research, synthesize and evaluate information to develop arguments and to organize evidence into a presentation using proper discipline-specific formats to cite and document primary and secondary sources.

  • Explore scientific and academic topics using specific electronic search engines, i.e. Medline, iLink, OPAC, and LOUIS online databases.
  • Research scientific and academic topics utilizing various resources presented in the library, to include but not limited to: books, periodicals, newspapers, microfilm, microfiche, audio and video cassettes, encyclopedias, atlases, and other reference material, special collection and special services, necessary in constructing a thesis/term paper, white paper or other informational document.
  • Apply appropriate discipline-specific citation format, i.e. APA/MLA, to document sources used in the research of information.

5. Professional Deportment

The graduate from Southern University at Shreveport should be able to:

Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior as required by discipline-specific codes of conduct and as needed in a diverse and global workforce or in the articulation to a four-year college or university program.

  • Model professional and ethical conduct.
  • Demonstrate responsible behavior and self-directed actions.
  • Accept supervision and work effectively with supervisory personnel.
  • Habituate promptness.
  • Display integrity in practices and reporting of information.