Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

SUSLA’s policy on the release of information on students is based on the premise that a student’s record is confidential and must be protected from those who would use it for other than legitimate purposes. At the same time, the policy must be flexible enough so as not to hamper the student or the university in the pursuit of legitimate endeavors.

Release of information on any student ordinarily will be made only on the written request or authorization of that student. This policy also applies to the issuance of transcripts. Telephone requests for transcripts will not be honored nor will requests for transcripts made by the parent, spouse or prospective employer of an adult student except on the authorization from the student. The parent of a student under eighteen (18) years of age may be provided a copy of that student’s transcript for personal use on written requests. Transcripts may be issued on written requests to institutions from which a student has graduated or transferred, institutions to which a student transfers, or to organizations that sponsor a student; provided the student concurs in the request.

Students may not inspect and review the following: financial information submitted by their parents; confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment or job placement, or honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review; or education records containing information about more than one student, in which case the institution will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student.

The only information ordinarily released concerning students will be that considered “Directory Information”. SUSLA defines this as name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; degrees, awards, and honors received, including naming to honor rolls and the previous educational agency or institution attended.

During the first fourteen class days of a regular semester or the first five class days of a summer term, a student who has enrolled can request that directory information be withheld by completing the appropriate form available in the Registrar’s Office.

SUSLA maintains only those student records necessary for conducting of business. Information in student records will be released to outside investigating agencies only with the written consent of the student involved. Once consent has been received by the university, information requested from academic records of students, students’ permanent folders (containing admission credentials, transcripts, etc.), and students’ personnel records may be released to properly identified investigators through authorized staff personnel in the Office of the Registrar. The University is obliged to provide information on students pursuant to court orders or subpoenas.

Records of disciplinary actions taken by the university against students are maintained for internal purposes, and information relating thereto will be released to an inquirer only with written authorization of students concerned. Notices of suspension for non-academic reasons are not a part of the academic transcript, but are maintained by the Office of the Chancellor, and will be governed by the same release-authorization requirements as a transcript.

Faculty members may review the academic records of their students to the extent that such reviews serve legitimate educational interests. Each regular semester SUSLA will publish, in the Class Bulletin for that semester, the fact that certain records are kept on students. These records are available to students. Students have the right to challenge the contents of these records. The types of educational records kept on students at SUSLA are as follows:


A record is maintained on each student by the instructor. Such items as attendance, test grades, reports, etc., are noted by the instructor. The instructor treats this, information in a confidential manner, and a student’s grades in the class can be divulged only to him/her.

Academic Advisors

Upon matriculation at the University, each student is assigned an academic advisor who maintains a record of his/her academic progress. If the student changes majors, this record is transferred to the new advisor. The material in this record is of an academic nature, indicating the past and present matriculation record, current academic status, and curriculum. Only the academic advisor has access to this record, and it can be reviewed by the student in the academic advisor’s office. These records are unofficial and are placed in an inactive status if the student’s education is interrupted.


The registrar is the keeper of the official academic record of the student. The student’s application for admission to the university and other materials of an academic nature are kept in this office. The academic records in the Registrar’s Office are permanent and can be reviewed by the student. This includes records on all veterans receiving assistance from the Veterans Administration.

Financial Aid Office

All students who are receiving scholarships, loans from state and federal sources, or who are student workers and receive some financial assistance through the university have records in this office. The student can review all of his or her records.

SUSLA Testing Center

The SUSLA Testing Center maintains a record of test scores submitted to the university. These records are available to the student, faculty, advisor, and other authorized university personnel concerned with the student. Scores are not released to anyone other than authorized university personnel except on a request by the student.


A transcript is a record of the courses attempted by a student. All grades, passed or failed, appear on the transcript. A transcript of a student’s record shows status, academic record with courses pursued and semester hours carried, semester hours earned, grades, quality points, grade point average, and system of grading. All failures, incomplete grades, penalties, transfer college credits, and a summary are also shown on the record.

Transcripts are released only upon a written and signed request by the student. The request must include a written signature and a student identification number. A fee of seven dollars ($7.00) is charged for each copy (paper or electronic). Fee payment must be in the form of cash, cashier’s check, and money order, Visa, Mastercard or Discover. Payment must be submitted with the transcript request in order for the request to be processed.

No transcript will be issued to or for a student who is indebted to the university. The university reserves the right to withhold a transcript for any student who is in default on a student loan. Requests by telephone will not be honored.