Student Residency

Requirements - Because resident classification is an important part of fee determination, admission regulations and other policies of the university, it is important that Southern University at Shreveport (SUSLA) has fair and equitable regulations which can be administered consistently and still respect the interests of both the students and the taxpayers of Louisiana. It is the responsibility of the student to provide the university with such evidence as deemed necessary to establish his/her residence status.

Definitions - A student who graduates from a Louisiana high school is automatically considered a resident student. For fee assessment purposes, the following definitions shall apply to all other students effective the spring semester of 2014:

Resident Student - A resident student for tuition purposes is defined as one who has abandoned all prior domiciles and has been domiciled in the State of Louisiana continuously for at least one full year (365 days) immediately preceding the first day of classes of the term for which resident classification is sought. “Domicile,” as the term is used in the context of residence regulations, is defined as an individual’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation at which the individual remains when not called elsewhere for labor, studies, or other special or temporary purposes, and the place to which the individual returns after an absence.

Non-Resident Student - A nonresident student for tuition purposes is a student not eligible for classification as a resident.

The individual’s physical presence within this state for one year must be associated with the substantial evidence that such presence was with the intent to maintain a Louisiana domicile. Physical presence within the state solely for education purposes without substantial evidence of the intent to remain in Louisiana will not be sufficient for resident classification regardless of the length of time within the state.