Music Therapy

Vocal Requirement Option

Music Therapy students are required to take two semesters of vocal coursework (one semester of MUS 1950 Vocal Techniques and one semester of any of the following courses: MUS 1300, MUS 1660, MUS 1670, MUS 1680, MUS 1820.)

Psychology Sequence

The recommended track is PSY 1110, PSY 2040 and PSY 3260, respectively. An additional psychology elective is also required. It is advisable that students must take PSY 1110 and PSY 2040 before entering Fieldwork. Due to the combined Fieldwork/Internship hours required, minoring in any discipline outside of Psychology is not recommended. To minor in Psychology, students need to complete the sequence above (PSY 1110, PSY 2040 and PSY 3260) and then take three elective psychology courses at the 3000-level or above.

Professional Disposition Competencies

Based on the mission of Molloy College and the professional disposition competencies identified by the American Music Therapy Association, the Professional Characteristics and Dispositions are identified for self-evaluation, faculty evaluation and clinical supervisory evaluation. (See Student Handbook). If students do not meet Professional Disposition competencies, they will meet with the Director of Undergraduate Music Therapy, who will discuss the particular areas of difficulty. They will be required to register for a one-credit course, MUS 2800 - Professional Growth in Music Therapy Training. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be allowed to register for either MUS 3740 or MUS 4600/MUS 5200. The Professional Growth course may only be taken one time during the student's matriculation at Molloy College.