Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Studies


The Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Studies Department provides access to general education science requirements for the non-science student and provides the science curriculum for five major programs in Biology and in two major programs in Earth and Environmental Studies. The professional standard of the science faculty serves as a model that students emulate and anticipate as members of the scientific community. To enable the distribution of quality science education, the Department and its curricular activities are rooted in the following directives:

  • Encourage an appreciation for the classical approaches of scientific inquiry while implementing contemporary methodologies and techniques in the lecture and laboratory settings.
  • Provide learning opportunities that encourage diversity of opinion, critical thinking and personal creativity in the service of scientific truth finding.
  • Exercise the basic scientific principle that the study of similarities and differences among nonliving things and living organisms facilitates a better understanding of our relationship with the universe.

Provide evidence that human decisions and activities have had a profound effect on the diversity of species, the environment and evolution of the planet.

Program Goals

  • To provide the students with a quality on-the-job experience, which facilitates the application of theory and skills learned in the classroom to work-related agenda.
  • To provide the students with a quality experience that enables the acquisition of new understanding, ideas and skills that cannot be achieved in the classroom.
  • To provide an opportunity for the students to examine the nature and functioning of an agency, organization or business.
  • To provide an experience that develops the students' appreciation of professional work standards and practices.
  • To facilitate student preparation for professional work in a chosen field.