General Catalog 2021-2022

Minor in Contemporary Dance Music

The main purpose of the minor in contemporary dance is to properly prepare students in the technical, historical and methodological aspects of the field of dancing. This preparation is attained with courses of artistic creation and production. The fundamental aim is to train self-promoting students with a holistic preparation who can implement artistic proposals and contribute to the sociocultural development of the country.

The Metropolitan Campus is authorized to offer this minor.

Requirements for the Minor in Contemporary Dance - 21 credits

Courses for the Minor in Contemporary Dance

DANC 2000Corporal Awareness and Anatomy


DANC 2010Principles and Techniques of Contemporary Dance


DANC 2230History of Contemporary Dance


DANC 2240Dynamics of The Body in the Caribbean Dance


DANC 3020Contemporary Dance Teaching Strategies


DANC 3250Choreographic Principles


DANC 3360Production of the Arts