General Catalog 2021-2022

Tourism (BBA)

The Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with a major in Tourism Management will develop professionals capable of administering, developing and serving in tourist destinations, such as, zones, areas, towns and communities in tourist areas and their dependencies.

This program enables students to apply the concepts, principles and techniques required for the effective administration of tourism businesses. The major in tourism administration is for those students who wish to develop professionally in tourism areas, such as; government, private companies, their own businesses and tourist facilities like hotels, restaurants and others. They will be able to work in areas of consulting, planning and zoning of tourism areas, as well as in the hospitality industry, trips and excursions.

Students must pass the required core and major courses with a minimum grade of C.

This Program is certified by the UNWTO of the World Tourism Organization (

The Barranquitas and Fajardo campuses are authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The student graduated from the Tourism Program will demonstrate the following competences that will allow him to offer quality services in the Tourism industry:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the basic concepts, theory and operation of the tourist administration and its dependencies.
  2. the needs of the clients to satisfy them to the maximum offering a good service and of quality.
  3. the viability for the development of hotels and apply the basic functions of its administration.
  4. the laws governing tourism businesses in Puerto Rico, as well as the importance of compliance with them for the success of the company in which they work.
  5. the culture of Puerto Rico based on tourism and its use for the creation of new destinations.
  6. the theory of sustainability in tourism in the areas of professional development.


  1. Manage computerized reservation systems efficiently and productively.
  2. Plan, develop and evaluate the viability of tourism and hotel projects in the country.
  3. Apply marketing techniques based on tourism and the service industry.
  4. Manage natural and ecological resources based on the sustainable development of tourism.
  5. Design successful tourist destinations based on its policies, planning and development.
  6. Apply the basic functions for the reservation and purchase of tourist services.
  7. Design and plan large and small events, as well as apply the functions of the banquet and conventions area.
  8. Direct and offer the service to visitors with efficiency, courtesy and quality.


  1. Base your practice and professional development based on ethical and moral aspects.
  2. Demonstrate commitment to your professional development.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with a Major in Tourism Management

General Education Requirements 48 credits
Core Course Requirements 38 credits
Major Requirements 36 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 125 credits

General Education Requirements - 48 credits

Forty-eight (48) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees.” Students in this Program will take GEMA 1200 in the Basic Mathematical Skills category.

Core Course Requirements - 38 credits

ACCT 1161Introduction to Financial Accounting


ACCT 1162Introduction to Managerial Accounting


BADM 1900Fundamentals of Business Management


BADM 3900Information Systems in Organizations


BADM 4300Managerial Economics


FINA 2101Corporate Finance I


MAEC 2140Fundamentals of Quantitative Methods


MAEC 2211Principles of Microeconomics


MAEC 2212Principles of Macroeconomics


MAEC 2221Basic Statistics


MAEC 2222Managerial Statistics



OMSY 3030Business Communication in Spanish



OMSY 3040Business Communication in English


Major Requirements - 36 credits

TURI 1020Fundamentals of Tourism


TURI 1200Tourist Quality and Services


TURI 1900Hotel and Accommodation Management


TURI 2000Tourism Legislation


TURI 2060Tourist Marketing


TURI 2200Culture and Tourist Destinations of Puerto Rico


TURI 3010Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism


TURI 3210Planning and Tourist Development


TURI 3220Trip Reservation System


TURI 3230Accommodations Department Administration


TURI 4400Administration and Organization of Groups and Conventions


TURI 4910Practicum in Tourism Administration


Credit may be granted for the internship (TURI 4910) to students who have had a satisfactory work experience and who apply for it in writing to the director of the academic department. This credit will be subject to the following:

  1. Students have been working full-time in a company for a minimum of two consecutive years within the three-year period immediately prior to the date of their request.
  2. Students submit a certification and letter from their employer or the Human Resources Office of their place of employment which specifies:
    1. Years of experience.
    2. Period of the time employed.
    3. Position or positions held.
    4. Job description.
    5. Copies of evaluations received.
    6. Any other evidence of their professional performance during their employment.
  3. Students pay 50% of the tuition costs of the internship course for which they are requesting credit.

The experience recognized by the University corresponds to the requirement for the degree that the student hopes to obtain from the Institution.