General Catalog 2021-2022

Radiological Technology (BS)

Radiological Technology in Mammography and Angiography (BS)

This Program is designed develop students academically in the areas of radiological imaging and provides students the option of obtaining a diploma of Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Radiological Technology upon completing the 78 required credits for the major. In addition, it aims to offer professionals who have obtained an Associate Degree in Radiological Technology from an accredited university, the opportunity to continue studies leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiological Technology with a major in Mammography and Angiography. The practice courses will be offered in different structured scenarios in affiliated and certified health institutions where the student will develop the required knowledge, skills and competencies to offer a quality service.

The Program aims to prepare health professionals capable of applying the knowledge of the components of mammography and angiography equipment to the identification of the diverse pathologies related to the study area. This professional will be able to make structured radiological studies in the areas of mammography and angiography that facilitate the analysis and interpretation of the results so that patient diagnoses can be made with a greater degree of precision. In addition, they will demonstrate a respectful attitude towards the patient by observing the professional ethics code and the Confidentiality Law (HIPAA).

Graduates from the Program will have a high sense of humanism, sensitivity and commitment to the profession, and will possess traits that will be shown by means of their effective work with the health team that intervenes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

The Radiological Diagnosis Technology profession requires a license granted by the Examining Board of Radiology Technicians, after satisfactory approval of a revalidation examination. As a result of the formative process of the graduates of the Program, they will be capable of taking and to approving the evaluation required to exercise the profession.

The Aguadilla, Barranquitas and Fajardo campuses are authorized to offer this Program.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

The Program is designed to develop the competencies that will enable students to:


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

  1. the basic aspects of legislation, duties, responsibilities, professional ethics, historical evolution and radiological safety.
  2. basic concepts of biology, histology, anatomy and physiology of the main systems of the human body.
  3. procedures, the radiographic techniques, the indications and the contraindications of radiographic studies by means of the use of contrasting agents.
  4. the essential components of the production of X-rays and the use of the different radiographic equipment.
  5. the basic concepts of pharmacology and the administration of contrast agents and intravenous medicines.
  6. the basic principles of physics applicable to the science of radiation.
  7. the basic concepts of pathological conditions and the corresponding terminology.
  8. the biological effects, the description of the action mechanism and the short and long term effects of ionizing radiation.
  9. the new modalities of diagnosis by means of the different forms of images produced by the different equipment, such as in mammography and angiography.
  10. the regulations of the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) for the interpretation of the norm that is to be used for quality control of the image and its procedures.


  1. Prepare the patient’s file by means of the use of the appropriate medical terminology.
  2. Apply the radiological procedures in harmony with the established standards of practice for each specialization.
  3. Perform the developing of radiographic films in an effectively and safe manner.
  4. Identify the methods of radiological safety located in the radiographic room.
  5. Determine the suitable radiographic reviewer for each procedure.
  6. Manipulate the contrast means used in the specialized studies as the law establishes.
  7. Use the skills of effective communication with patients, relatives, colleagues and other members of the interdisciplinary health team.
  8. Demonstrate skills to obtain data for research by using technology.


  1. Demonstrate commitment with their professional development through your participation in activities of continuing education and professional organizations.
  2. Demonstrate compassion towards the patient.
  3. Demonstrate a professional and ethical conduct.
  4. Recognize the importance of offering care to the patient of the highest quality when carrying out the procedures of mammography and angiography.

Admission Requirements

Students who aspire to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiological Technology with a major in Mammography and Angiography must fulfill the following general admission requirements of the Program:

  1. Submit a completed admissions application in or before the date stipulated by the Program and declare the major in Bachelor of Science in Radiological Technology in Mammography and Angiography..
  2. Present an official and updated transcript of credits of recent studies.
  3. Have a general grade index of 2.50 more.
  4. Submit two (2) letters of recommendation from professors who know you as a student.
  5. In addition to complying with the admission requirements established in the General Catalog of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, the student must present a valid copy of the following documents:
  • Health certificate
  • Certificate of Immunization against Hepatitis B and Varicella
  • Negative Criminal Record Certificate issued by the Puerto Rico Police
  • Certified CPR, HIPAA, OSHA

In addition to the admission requirements indicated, candidates from other institutions will be evaluated in relation to the curricular program of origin and the necessary adjustment to the courses to be taken.

Retention Requirements

  1. Approve all major courses with a minimum grade of C.
  2. Any student who does not satisfactorily approve the same major course on two occasions, will be subjected to a probationary period in the BS in Radiological Technology. If the student fail, during the probationary period in the same course, the student will not be able to continue in the program.
  3. The student will attend clinical affiliation, as scheduled by the program leadership.
  4. To remain in the program, the student must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.25

Transfer Requirements

  1. Meet all admission requirements for students transferring from another University campus or transfers established in the University’s General Catalog and by the corresponding Campus.
  2. The program's chair or a duly authorized specialist, will evaluate the file and submit the recommendations for the corresponding course equivalences to the admissions office.
  3. Have a minimum average of 2.50 in the major courses and have an Associate Degree in Radiological Technology from a recognized and accredited Higher Education institution. If more than five (5) years have passed since finishing the Associate Degree, an active license, as Radiological Technologist must be presented.
  4. Transfers require an admission process. Major courses will not be authorized in combined enrollment.

Graduation Requirements

To complete the Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiological Technology with a major in Mammography and Angiography the student must:

  1. Have approved all major courses with a minimum average of 2.50.
  2. Have obtained a minimum grade point average of 2.00 points.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiological Technology with a Major in Mammography and Angiography

General Education Requirements 45 credits
Major Requirements 71 credits
Related Course Requirements 3 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Total 122 credits

General Education Requirements - 45 credits

Forty-five (45) credits are required as explained in the section “General Education Requirements for Bachelors’ Degrees.” Students of this Program will take GEMA 1200 in the Basic Skills in Mathematics category. They are exempt from taking the course GEHP 3000.

Major Requirements - 71 credits

RATE 1110Patient Care


RATE 1125Introduction to Radiological Technology and Ethical Concepts


RATE 1130Radiation Protection


RATE 1141Biology and Radiographic Anatomy I


RATE 1142Biology and Radiographic Anatomy II


RATE 1221Radiographic Procedures and Evaluation I


RATE 1230Principles of Radiographic Exposure And Processing


RATE 2090Pharmacology and Venipuncture


RATE 2210Critique and Radiographic Quality Control


RATE 2222Radiographic Evaluation and Procedures II


RATE 2223Radiographic Evaluation and Procedures III


RATE 2231Radiological Physics I


RATE 2232Radiological Physics II


RATE 2240Radiographic Pathology and Medical Terminology


RATE 2260Radiobiology


RATE 2270Diagnostic Image Modalities and Equipment


RATE 2910Clinical Practice I


RATE 2912Clinical Practice II


RATE 2913Clinical Practice III


RATE 2919Clinical Practice IV


RATE 3050Mammographic Quality Control


RATE 3071Breast Anatomy and Vascular Pathology


RATE 3080Radiographic Procedures and Evaluation of the Breast


RATE 3090Procedures of Angiography and Interventional Radiology


RATE 4910Clinical Practice in Mammography


RATE 4911Clinical Practice in Angiography


Related Course Requirements - 3 credits

GEP-GEHS 3050Human Formation, Society, and Culture