Undergraduate General Education Requirements

Basic to an undergraduate education is a foundation of General Education. City University of Seattle requires all candidates for undergraduate degrees to satisfy the following minimum general education requirements:

The distribution requirements for students pursuing an Associate degree:

College Composition 5 quarter credits
College Mathematics 5 quarter credits
Humanities 5 quarter credits
Social Sciences 5 quarter credits
Natural Sciences/Mathematics 5 quarter credits
Electives (from any of the above required areas) 5 quarter credits

The distribution requirements for students pursuing a baccalaureate degree are:

College Composition 5 quarter credits
College Mathematics 5 quarter credits
Humanities 15 quarter credits*
Social Sciences 15 quarter credits*
Natural Sciences/Mathematics 15 quarter credits*

Undergraduate Certificates:

The University may require all candidates for undergraduate certificates to satisfy one or both of the following minimum general education requirements:

College Composition 5 quarter credits
College Mathematics 5 quarter credits

In order to fulfill the College Composition requirement, students must achieve a minimum grade of 2.0 in the designated College Composition course.

Programs requiring higher level math as a prerequisite to upper-division study are noted in the program section, with the specific program.

*Some credits may be satisfied with upper-division courses that are part of the student’s program.

Note: In the School of Management (SOM) and the Albright School of Education (ASOE), the general education courses covering college composition and college mathematics are admission requirements. In the ASOE/The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS), one or both of the courses is a required prerequisite.