Requirements for Research Involving Human Subjects

City University of Seattle values the participation of students, faculty, and community members in research efforts that attempt to add to the body of knowledge in business, education, and the social sciences. In so doing, the University adheres to the highest standards of integrity, accountability and responsibility. When student and/or faculty research efforts under the auspices of the University include human participants, City University of Seattle ensures adherence to the requirements of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services regulations applicable to all human subject research. 45 CFR 46.101 et seq. Canadian students and faculty must also meet requirements for ethical review as outlined by the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans in Canada (1998, amended 2005).

City University of Seattle Institutional Review Board review is required prior to commencement of student and/or faculty research when that research involves human subjects. Such research must meet the requirements of valid informed consent, protections of human subject privacy in research, and IRB oversight requirements. It is the policy of City University of Seattle to support and encourage student and faculty research that complies with these regulations.

Students should contact their faculty supervisor when questions of research involving human subjects arise in a course for information on review procedures.